Siak Hess too te ot samnacoepaseren = : in to the village Red Cross, only one was not properly repaired. Last week’s workers totaled 227, an average of 38 a day. : COLLEGE’s MANY SOCIAL SERVICE ACTIVITIES PRESENTED _&. Lanier Explains |. C. S$. A. © The different branches of Bryn Mawr’s Social Service activities were described at a meeting last Wednesday. 3. Lanier 19 explained the Intercollegiate Commu- nity Service Association to which Bryn Mawr belongs, and of which Dr. Kings- bury is president. The field of I. C. 8. A. is the establishment of community cen- tres, and the support of College Settle- ments in the large cities. Coéperating with the Red Cross and Y. M. C.°A., it gives opportunity for re- construction work abroad. On this com- mittee are ex-Dean Reilly of Bryn Mawr and Dr. Kingsbury. Community Centre Starts Soon - The Bryn Mawr Community Centre will open in about two weeks, said Miss Net- erer, who told of the work accomplished there last year, especially of the Italian night school, which the college students helped to conduct. One pupil, a woman taught in her home, had lived eighteen years in Bryn Mawr without learning to speak English. Bates House Miss Applebee and F. Clarke '19 spoke about Bates, the vacation house sup- ported and run by Bryn Mawr for the people from Spring Street, New York. The money for its management, $1500, usually partly raised by canvass, will be paid entirely this year from the C. A. budget. Bates.-House types were depicted by Miss Applebee, from the old lady whose idea of Heaven was a rocker on a cool porch, to the small boys who marveled at the screen-frieze of monks in a wine- cellar, “Look at the priests. gettin’ 2 Whiskey off God!” CALENDAR Thursday, November 7 m.—Interclass Hockey matches begin. m.—Lecture on Current Events by Dr. Fenwick. Friday, November 8 ’ m.—Land Army Talks by Dr. Ida Ogilvie and Mrs. Helen Stev- ens. : Saturday, November 9 m.—vVarsity Hockey match® vs. Philadelphia C. C. m.—Banner Show. Sunday, November 10 m.—-Budget Vespers. Speakers, M. Sturm, M. Scott ‘19, F. Uchida '20, Miss Applebee, E. Lanier "19, M. Dent '20, M. Hardy °20. m.—Chapel. Sermon by Professor Rufus Jones of Haverford. Monday, November 11 m.—Lecture on Social Hygiene by Dr. Ellen Potter. Tuesday, November 12 m.—Lecture on Spain by Senorita Dorado before the Spanish Club. Wednesday, November 13 m.—Bible Class. Charles Wood. Friday, November 15 m.—War Council Rally. Address by Col. Evans of England. Saturday, November 16 p.m—Varsity Hockey match vs. Merion . 8.30 p.m—Faculty Reception Graduate Students. 4.20 p. 7.30 p. 8.00 p. 10.00 p. 8.00 p. 6.00 p. 8.00 p. 7.30 p. 8.00 p. 7.30 p. 8.00 p. 10, to the Address by Dr.’ the htherned of defeat, Dr. Moldenhauer pays to be reconciled. come to us of a new mind in that people who were our enemies, Dr. Moldenhauer concluded. When they show that they have “relearned the law,” let us show that we know it and have known it from of old. ( Philosophy Club Revolutionized Membership Requirements Raised The nature of the Philosophy Club has been completely changed, according to its president, M. L. Thurman *19. By a vote taken last week, only students planning to major in philosophy and consequently vitally interested, will be admitted. Hith- erto the minor course, frequently taken as an elective, has been the only mem- bership requirement. Small teas, with informal discussion in place of addresses, will be held through- out the year. Outside speakers will also be secured, and there may be several open meetings. FIRST PAY-DAY SUCCESSFUL One hundred per cent of those on the paymistresses’ lists in Radnor, Denbigh and Llysyfran paid their debts on Novem- ber ist, the first Bryn Mawr pay-day. Two out of fifty members in Merion did not pay; two out of sixty in Pembroke Bast; four out of fifty-two in Pembroke West and seven out of seventy-five in Rockefeller. These figures do not take into account those absent or ill. : The paymistresses are M. Chase ’20, Rockefeller; D. Wyckoff ’'21, Pembroke West; F. von Hofsten ’20, Pembroke East; A. Thorndike ‘19, Denbigh; R. Woodruff ‘19, Merion; H. Hill ’21, Rad- nor; F. Day ‘19. Llysyfran. SENORITA DORADO TO SPEAK Senorita Dorado, lecturer in Spanish, will address the Spanish Club next Tues- day evening. Lantern slides, showing views of Spain, will illustrate the talk. ALUMNA NOTES M. Peacock ex-'19 and F. Branson (Mrs. D. S. Keller) ex-'19 are working under the Ordnance Department as inspectors of munitions factories in the vicinity of New York City. W. Robb (Mrs. W. T. Powers) ex-’19 is secretary of the Women’s Land Army for the New York district. M. Nearing ‘09 is taking a course in Landscape Architecture at Harvard. Miss Nearing was president of the Undergrad- ‘wate Association when in college, and was warden of Rockefeller from 1914-18. Louise Collins "17 and Anne Davis ‘17 are living together in Rochester, N. Y: Louise Collins is teaching history in the Columbia Preparatory School and Anne Davis is working in a new department opened by the Eastman Kodak (o. for the synthesis of organic compounds formerly procured from Germany. declared. After the war there will be a} great many human beings living in Ger-| many and Austria who will have to be| ff dealt with. Suggestions for the isolation | fj of Ggrmany are but the fury’ of a tem-| ff porary mood. If reconciliation cannot be} ff effected on a high plane, there will be a| reconciliation on a low one—because it} We must accept the evidences as they | American Lead Pencil Co. 217 Fifth Avei.ue, N. ¥. Dept FW32 COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EMBLEMS AND NOVELTIES FRATERNITY EMBLEMS, SEALS, CHARMS PLAQUES, MEDALS, ETC. of Superior Quality and Design THE HAND BOOK Illustrated and Priced malied upon request BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE CO. PHILADELPHIA THE WHITE GATE STUDIOS bie WORK Perel odaling, Sple Be Book Constrwcton, mo, Block Print ing, Carving, We Whittling the making of T oys. be arranged to suit the convenience of Students. oh Flcham ie tae ale RADNOR ROAD, BRYN MAWR, PA. PHONE 758 HENRY B. WALLACE CATERER AND CONFECTIONER LUNCHEONS AND TBAS BRYN MAWR “COLUMBIA” ATHLETIC APPAREL For | _| MARCEL WAVING | ~ GOWNS, WRAPS, BLOUSES 113 So, Sixteenth Street _ Telephone: Locust 6886 Philadelphia ‘SCALP SPECIALIST The W. O. Little and M. M. Harper | 8. W. . COR. ELLIOTT AND LANCASTER AVES. BRYN MAWR 307 J SHAMPOOING FACIAL MASSAGE Amiée E. KENDALL Floyd Bidg., Merion and Lancaster Aves. MARCEL WAVING MANICURING JEANNETT'S BRYN MAWR FLOWER SHOP Cut Flowers and Plants Fresh Daily Corsage and Floral Baskets Old Fashioned Bouquets a Specialty Potted Plants—Personal supervision on all erders 807 Lancaster Ave. E. M. FENNER Ice Cream, Frozen Fruits and Ices Fine and Fancy Cakes, Confections Bryn Mawr (Telephone) The Bryn Mawr National Bank BRYN MAWR, PA. Foreign Exchange and Travelers’ Checks Sold 3 Per Cent on Saving Fund Accounts. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent, $3, $5 and $8 per Year. WILLIAM T. McINTYRE + Phone, Bryn Mawr 570 Ardmore THE SHIPLEY SCHOOL Preparatory to Bryn Mawr College BRYN MAWR, PENNSYLVANIA Eleanor O. Brownell Alice G. Howland THE. HARCUM. SCHOOL _ FOR GIRLS—BRYN ‘MAWR, PA. For Giris : wont, le, seigeeinn To ia not rn cle he offers opportunities to cundies calted Go hale tastan and anate. For Girls desiring to specialize in Music — ot Art, there are well known artists as instructors. Catalog on request. MRS. EDITH HATCHER HARCUM, BL. (Pupil of Leschetiaky), Head af the School BRYN MAWR PENNSTLYANIA Cae? Lene Ener GROCERIES, MEATS AND zap Costumes Suits PROVISIONS Sains Boome Mie Buster ARDMORE, OVERBROOK, NARBERTH Actual Makers acer Denams Ui tases. Seca BRYN MAWR AN AVENUE Programs eT =—«somilmtete = |THE BRYN MAWR TRUST CO. Letter Heads CAPITAL, $250,000 ALLOWS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS _ 1011 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT SCHOOLS D. N. ROSS (Pistuy) "Fae “Instructor in Pharmacy and Materia Medica, and Director cf the Pharmacen- tical Laboratory at Bryn Mawr Hospital. EASTMAN’S KODAKS AND FILMS Afternoon Tea and Luncheoa COTTAGE TEA ROOM Montgomery Ave., Bryn Mawr Everything dainty and delicious TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING Headquarters for _ Trunks, ee Goods Ang thoroughly Harness, Sebtient i and Eetmnabile Supplies — Phone, 373 EDWARD L. POWERS 903-905 LANCASTER AVE. BRYN MAWR, Pa. M. M. GAFFNEY LADIES’ AND GENTS’ FURNISHINGS DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS IN PATRONIZING ADVERTISERS, PLEASE MENTION “THE COLLEGE NEWS” Post OFFICE BLOCK