L 9, 1919 Price 5 Cents oes F tis BRYN MAWR, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRI THE BEAUX-STRATAGEM — A re ta BEAUX§STRATAGEM RECAPTURES SPIRIT OF OLD COMEDY Careful Staging Redeems Overlong Plot. M. Krantz and H. Johnson Score Success THE BEAUX STRATAGEM A comedy in five acts, by George Farquhar. Thomas Aimwell............... D. Chambers. Francis Archer...:......... F. Allison. Count WORE... SS... Squire Sullen........... .. .R. Woodruff. ee .C, Oppenheimer. POMOEG. chia gcc ss ....F. Beatty. Gieesa sss ..M. Gilman. Hounslow.... . .A. R. Dubach. BON o6s ses A. Stiles. Boniface. M. Krantz. Scrub...... ; E. Macrum. Tapeter......... — .. H. Huntting. SNS ESET W. de Laguna. Lady Bountiful......... ..L. Wood. Mrs. Sullen....... H. Johnson. Derma... ..... M. Moseley. eid. k iss H. Prescott. GUEST. 600058 A. Blue. Countrywoman.. E, Biddle. ({F, Puller. } B, Sorchan, Coach Pamengers. . R. Reinhardt. A. Warner. Stage Manager, Gordon Woodbury. Assistant Stage Manager, Elizabeth Fuller. Business Manager, Louise Wood. An old play was effectively revived last Saturday night in 1919’s production of Farquhar’s “Beaux’ Stratagem.” In spite of the size of the cast many of the parts were well taken, but the play suffered from insufficient cutting, the extreme length taxing the interest of an audience unused to the long-