ee = : fi — x | oe = Fs she THE COLLEGE NEWS, soe 4 ti aie ean 3 CALDWELL & CO. Rite-Candy Shop Chestnut and Juniper Streets $ Philadelphia SALTED NUTS ° 1504 CHESTNUT STREET os be F : a J ‘ © . Where to Sho GOLDSMITHS | SILVERSMITHS | 134 WALNUT STREET . a | 0 | "JEWELERS | PHILADELPHIA 3 mae: | PRs naa Suburban Candp Co. = cee Ste enbone“- ——-|--~ “amas Made Gane j . STATIONERY. WITH SPECIAL Ice Cream , Rite’s Salted Nuts MONOGRAMS, CRESTS and SEALS 825 9 Laer Se Post Office : 7 Telephone, Bryn Mawr 867 The Quill Book Shop The Fur LUNCHEON mS pnllageiphta ' : . * Katharine S, Leiper Helene Girvin 7 | : : CHRISTM ; Jacquette 4 bs ES SS cies RS ae | earthstone = =| nee for | - iol iS.0F . 2 i a Atter noon | 25 NO. MERION AVENUE BRYN MAWR, PA. SRR i ne aia a aa | Riding Habits | pe Oly, Jeweler ® ‘ Silversmiths ¢ S t S be t : Stationers por S ul N} PHILADELPHIA : . ae FRATERNITY EMBLEMS + RINGS : Sd POPULAR IS THIS CHARMING MoDE! The Ready Made & Made SEALS + CHARMS + PLAQUES” . smart model sketched above is of selected nel Order : MEDALS, ETC. Caracul, trimmed with Monkey fur—one of . of the better kind many attractive Gunther models; : ETHEL M. TAYLOR THE GIFT BOOK a ae 130 So. 16th St. 3 suuisee ase uae . Phila. - GRADUATION AND OTHER GIFTS ‘ . Gu nth e r GERTRUDE “ IXON FifthZvenue at 36"Street = |S A EMSTITCHING | : _ NEW YORK 28 OLD LANCASTER ROAD The New Model 3 Furriers for More Than a Century Bryn Mawr 633 BRYN, MAWR, PA. . ” 7 | : : a STRAWBRI DGE JUST EXHIBITED AT~ THE an d C L O T H I E R NEW YORK BUSINESS: SHOW =f PHILADELPHIA : 66 @ 9. nae Exclusive Features ae » ATLANTIC CITY LLaATAaAS: SPECIALISTS IN - Extra Wide Carriage BALTIMORE : Automatic Ribbon Reverse WILMINGTON The. ore of Sensible Prices FASHIONABLE APPAREL | “FOR YOUNG WOMEN | OLD MACHINES MAY BE TRADED IN “MILLARDS” : 7 are aa age See Callawe News - MARKET, EIGHTH & FILBERT STS. ‘Announce An Exhibition | PHILADELPHIA - Agents of Dresses : for daytime and evening wear a Ukul ele Paro dy Book Coats and Wraps . -— = Blouses, Sweaters, Hosiery HILARIOUS PARODIES= | yan ano INSTRUCTION and Millinery at the ‘THE MOST POPULAR SONGS!. COLLEGE INN |JA Ri 7 of. Laughter! ‘Thursday and F riday | | Contaitie all you hope to find and others P- | Nove. 23 and 24 « | ORDERS FILLED BY RETURN MAIL 30c. POSTPAID : | : ; A UKULELE or + Cash rare every one cv ig og Send additional versus ° ; ‘ ‘ Me ' re ior songet in a By eee = penile ||| pARoDY PUB. Co,, a ai N.Y.C,N-Y, | _ Announcing 9 & oe Lac Met “ia y ;