fee art Soa, COLLEGE NEWS “The Greatest ‘Sporting Goods Store in the Worl 3 “2 bercrombie & Fit ch Co- —-« Ezra Hi. Fitch ~President : , Pr ’ Madison Avenue and’ A5th Street, New York a | Will exhibit sport A for women and misses ‘calli suits, coats, a boots, shoes and all other articles of ee wearing apparel at 7 ee Collexe Inn | ; v , Bryn Mawr, Pa. Thursday, October 12‘and F viday; October 13 ¥ ‘“‘Where. the Blazed Trail Cronies the Boulevard” The Bryn Mawr Studio — : E. M. FENNER’ | KIEFERLE Co., = = omy | | INC. | © ey BANKSaBipy PHOTOGRAPHS OF DISTINCTION ice Cream, Frozen Fruits and Ices samen es : pt? Jewelere DOLE, ; : Gifts arid Cards for All Occasions : : = : z mhisiein ee A delightful place with an atmosphere that is Pile. snd Pancy, Cakes, Contekiom : Gowns, ‘Suits, Stationers , : solely unique Sryn Mawr (.Telepho Ard PHILADELPHIA —- 1008 LANCASTER AVE. JAS. S$GANTZ. spesuepie : le ” : et Topcoats, : FRATERNITY EMBLEMS - RINGS | J.E.CALDWELL & CO.| Wraps and Waists | “** "zum. ams ST RAWB R I D G EK Chestnut and Juniper Streets ; to_okd free taste , d C L OT H I E R ; Philadelphia ’ road po wear a THE GIFT BOOK an GOLDSMITHS SILVERSMITHS Paver ten gpa yp JEWELERS 10 per cent discount to students - pricing SPECIALISTS IN | GRADUATION AND OTHER GIFTS FASHIONABLE APPAREL | College Insignia 133 Q, 18th Street, Philadelphia FOR YOUNG WOMEN one i . ee : eae MARKET, EIGHTH & FILBERT STS. Reece step oe ~~ oe Bell Phone: Spruce 27-63 ANNOUNCING on PHILADELPHIA ONOGRAMS, CRE and SEA : sha roxas eS M. RAPP APORT The New Remington : . "A SPECIALTY : The Fine Furs: Remodeling UNIVERSAL KEYBOARD SAME AS KOPLIN’S iy et Newest Styles Alterations ,ALL STANDARD TYPEWRITERS Bryn Mawr | : : : : : : : QUALITY ICE CREAM AND CAKES Hearthstone 211 S. 17TH ST. *s,2:" PHILA. The. Machine You Have Been | TEA ” Looking For WE OPEN A NEW SHOE STORE | >; yo. MERION AVENUE : = : — —e AT BRYN MAWR, PA. ‘ GERTRUDE NIXON : 904 LANCASTER AVE., BRYN MAWR : nea . REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO. ) WITH A-FULL LINE OF SHOES | Ghe fat Shop seruce a HEMSTITCHIN (, “Philadelphia: Pa } Hats for Town and Country Wear | tryn sar 533 ==. +~=BRYN MAWR, PA. Rite Candy Shop | SIXTEEN-NINE CHESTNUT ST. a SALTED NUTS _ : °- | Maniew ‘ | an Treatmen LEED ‘acieeietis| WON ATE ba |e ee 1349 WALNUT STREET . | To Hire (1518 WALNUT ST. CATHARINE McGINTY 149 S. BROAD STREET PHILADELPHIA | © fete | a, ene 34 East Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. : — @eyay) tainments, Plays. Minstrels, Hl ¢ ° Marcel Waving wieteinoadly Dyeing, Bleaching Se Tableaux, Etc. airdressers Manicurists Hot ‘Oil Shampoos a Speciulty Hair Goods to Ordet . TAKE HOME A . "236 S. 1th St. PHILA. “ : = Blo e Bel! Phone. Walnut 18.92 a ® uS ae PRICE REDUCED FOR BALANCE Suburban Candp Co. : | ‘ oe . tise ane haan ‘Home Made Candies © : te 3 Finest Material—Failored Same as US.N.| of the Better Kind ; 4 i All wool flannel. or Ice Cream : -Rite’s Salted Nuts 9 L. | m RO N oe ae serge $3.85} 825 LANCASTER AVE., opp. Post Office | 4 : cy Neckerchiefs or Ties, BRYN MAWR a, oo 1605 WALNUT STREET sant tect.”*| Roma Cafe 2, || ee match the blouses Rating or Emblem 60c Bryn Mawr, Pa. 1 White Blouses $1.65 rata ITALIAN and AMERICAN _ Blue Linen Middy | - | AT ALL HOURS. Suits, $10 and $12]