oi etn Scholarships Laura Boyer, Elizabeth Duane Gillespie American History Scholarship, 1905-6. GLApys W. CHANDLER, City Scholarship, 1902-6. ALICE ELLA CoLcaN, City Scholarship, 1902-6. a eae MARGARET H1LDEGARDE COYLE, City Scholarship 1902-6. Essay prize in Major English i Critics, 1905. PHOEBE SINCLAIR CrosBy, James E. Rhoades Sophomore Scholarship 1903-4; James — E. Rhoades Junior Scholarship, 1904-5. LILLIAN R. Exsis, First Bryn Mawr Matriculation and Delaware, 1902-3. Ipa M. Garrett, City scholarship, 1902-6. age HELEN P. Havcuwour, Second Bryn Mawr Matriculation Scholarship for the New England States, 1902-3. i JOSEPHINE KATZENSTEIN, City Scholarship, 1902-6; Maria Hopper Scholarship, 1903-4; — Mary S. LEE, City Scholarship, 1902-6, MINERVA A. LEPPER, Second Bryn Mawr Matriculation Scholarship for Middle and — Southern States, 1902-3; Trustees Philadelphia Girls High School Scholarship, 1902-6. oy HELEN Moss LowENGRUND, First Bryn Mawr Matriculation Scholarship for Middle and Southern States, 1902-3; Trustees Philadelphia Girls High School Scholarship, 1902-6; Maria L. Eastman Brooke Hall Memorial Scholarship, 1905-6. ALick Ropss, First Matriculation Scholarship for New England. States, 1902-3. MARGARET S. SCRIBNER, First Matriculation Scholarship for Western States, 1902-3. Mary B. V. Srurcis, Lower Merion High School Scholarship, 1902-3 Mary Coucn WitHincton, Maria Hopper Scholarship, 1903-4. Heien E. Wyvern, City Scholarship, 1902-6. Scholarship for New York, New Jersey: Ft NR P