__ 1712 WALNUT. STREET Display of New Smart Dresses, Top Coats and Wraps ae oom “: += —sS~ ° PLAQUES, MEDALS, ETC. = of Superior Quality and Design THE HAND BOOK \INustrated and Priced malled upon request . BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE CO. PHILADELPHIA Reasonable Prices MULTIPLEX HAMMOND Bg ang sg tpl rel Simple—Compact—Portable Beautiful work—beyond com If not inclined to a new machine, eS a ee e Rent Machines of high quality. Our special terms to collegians will interest you. Catalog for the asking. Hammond Typewriter Co, 645 East 69th Street _ New York City. N. Y. LP. HOLLANDER & C0. GOWNS, SUITS, COATS, |WAISTS, and MILLINERY. oth AVENUE at 46th STREET NEW YORK “s ee _(No. 7—November 14, 1917 . As it should be done . HAWORTH’S 4 at m Gowns, Coats, Sport . Suits, Waists - are re e For Every Occasion SODA COUNNER Specializing in Youthful Models--- BOOKS OF ALL PUBLISHERS Reasonably Priced . Can be had at the , winhey on DAYLIGHT BOOKSHOP > 1335-1337 Walnut Stree 1701 ——, STREET th Developing and Finishing K | Qnévlstion Marcet Hair Dyeing and Tinting ALBERT L. WAGNER Ladies’ Hair Dresser Gowns One Hundred Thirteen South Sixteenth Philadelphia Wraps BOOKS ——PICTURES CHRISTMAS CARDS Sessler’s Bookshop 1314 Walnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. Franklin Simon & Co. A Store of Individual Shops FIFTH AVENUE 37th and 38th Streets WILL EXHIBIT AT THE MONTGOMERY INN BRYN MAWR, PA. FRIDAY pean Nov. 23d EXCLUSIVE WINTER FASHIONS For Women and Misses Suits, Coats, Wraps, Furs, ‘Tailored Dresses, Afternoon and Evening Gowns Waists, Skirts, Shoes, Sweaters, Gymnasium Apparel, Sport Apparel, Riding Habits, Underwear, Negligees, Etc. An extensive variety of styles appropriate for College Women At Moderate Prices NEW YORK SATURDAY Nov. 24th ROYAL BOOT SHOP FOR LADIES Wi with its inexpensive upstairs rental and immense GMb b outlet saves you from $3 to $5 a pairjf. 4 - | §JH1208-10. CHESTNUT STREET} ONE electric lamp. moment. Ask your favorite dealer to’ show it to you. DIM~A-LITE Will give you FIVE degrees of light from You can attach it in a Who is wearing your rain coat? ‘WEAR OURS Buy a}; TEDDY HOWELL ¥{Sou’wester Price, $4.75 Apply to anyone on the NEWS Board MERCER—MOORE Exclusive GOWNS, SUITS, BLOUSES, HATS 1702 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA New Yorx Srupio 624 Fifth Avenue 1609 Chestnut Street IMarceau PHOTOGRAPHER Boston Srupro 160 Tremont Street Philadelphia 1206 Chestnut Street BE. f. Rankin Co. Jewelers and Stationers Class and Fraternity Pins Stationery, Dance Programs, etc., Medals and Trophies IN PATRONIZING ADVERTISERS, PLEASE MENTION “THE COLLEGE NEWS" Eastman Kodak Co. K Vosinuins a 16th St, ee 1020 Chestnut St. Violet I del vunLanen rats Ss Hot-Oit Shampoo basi 2a Suits Biuss| a , DENNEY & DENNEY 1513 WALNUT STREET G. F. Ward BELL PHONES Spruce 4658 Locust 3219 Avedon's Blouses 448 Fifth Avenue die} pes dt Wand aba 30 East 34thtS:. 2 = GI NewSYork) TE Men's Wear Silk Avedon & Company Will Soon Exhibit A Varied Assortment of Smart Blouses pis Watch for Date | Philadelphia | Cee een a aa