1712 WALNUT STREET New Spring Models In Suits, Dresses, Coats Ready-to-Wear at Moderate Prices STRAWBRIDGE and CLOTHIER Specialists in the FASHIONABLE APPAREL FOR YOUNG WOMEN MARKET, EIGHTH and} FILBERT STS, PHILADELPHIA ° ? ° Artists’ and Water Colors, Artists Materials Brushes, Canvases, Easels, Sketching Umbrellas. Fine Drawing and Water Color Paper Waterproof Drawing Ink. Modeling Materials. F. WEBER & CO. 1125 CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA Developing and Finishing K As it should be done HAWORTH’S 4 Eastman Kodak Co. K 1020 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EMBLEMS AND NOVELTIES FRATERNITY EMBLEMS, SEALS, CHARMS PLAQUES, MEDALS, ETC. of Superior Quality and Design THE HAND BOOK Illustrated and Priced mailed upon request BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE CO. PHILADELPHIA BOOKS OF ALL PUBLISHERS Can be had at the DAYLIGHT BOOKSHOP 1701 CHESTNUT STREET Philadelphia L. P. HOLLANDER & CO. GOWNS, SUITS, COATS, WAISTS, and MILLINERY. O 5th AVENUE at 46th STREET NEW YORK SESSLER’S BOOKSHOP 1314 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA BOOKS :::: PICTURES SPORT ALICE MAYNARD announces for the Spring a unique assemblage of the GOWNS BLOUSES SUITS SPORT SWEATERS ~ MOTOR COATS, TOP COATS Distinctive Fur Coats and Novelty Fur Sets. ART NOVELTIES not to be found elsewhere 546 Fifth Avenue Corner 45th Street New York SKIRTS Also THE COLLEGE NEWS _ | | | Panama Sundae at Whitmanss SODA COUNTER JANE BLANEY 316 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK DESIGNER AND MAKER OF GOWNS, FROCKS, WRAPS, SUITS and HATS [No. 22—April 18, 1918 SHOP Gowns, Coats, Sport Suits, Waists For Every Occasion Specializing in Youthful Models--- Reasonably Priced WALNUT 5360 1335-1337 Walnut Street Opposite Ritz-Carlton Hair Dyeing ana Tinting Hair Goods ALBERT L. WAGNER Ladies’ Hair Dresser 16th St. above Walnut Philadelphia Phone, Spruce 3746 Ondulation Marcel Permanent Wave Manicuring Facial Massage Violet Rays Hot-Oil Shampoo HAIRDRESSING MANICURING DENNEY & DENNEY 1513 ‘WALNUT | STREET BELL PHONES Spruce 4658 DIM~AcLITE Will give you FIVE degrees of light from ONE electric lamp. You can attach it in a moment, Ask your favorite dealer to show it to you Locust 3219 ROYAL BOOT SHOP FOR LADIES with its inexpensive upstairs rental and immense outlet saves you from $3 to $5 a pair 1208-10 CHESTNUT STREET PENNOCK BROS. CHOICE FLOWERS Daily Free Delivery Along the Main Line 1514 CHESTNUT STREET Because Amphora For out-dooring, a skirt of beige Khaki-Kool is topped with a jacket of green KhakiRoo 1, with waist- coat and collarof Hero Crepe Batik. 4 ATD)TSQON AVENUE-31st ST., NEW YORK Khaki-Kool, Certainly You Will Wear Silks ‘Patriotism demands Silks to conserve Wool Fconomy recognizes Silk