THE Model Shop — Imported and Domestic Gowns and Waists : at — Prices 107-109 South Thirteenth Street Philadelphia (13th St. just below Chestnut) Miss L. P. Sims Miss M.S.Sims Madame L. Glatz SHUT-IN SOCIETY EXCHANGE 6 SHOP THE PENNSYLVANIA BRANCH Minbrook Lenn, Mavaiedl Oe. .0., ryan Mawr, Pa. 205 South Sixteenth St., Philadelphia Telephone, Ardmore 406-J Brary penny sent at this Sh aew of FOR SALE AND MADE TO ORDER eeful fancy arti- | Good Shepherd ring Y' Collar Sweaters, pony 4 ” -_ - Scarfs, Hat. Childrens’ Sweater. Suits, Fancy You are cordially invited to inspect the work : Work cheerfully exhibited wit! bligati || Telephone, Filbert 4120 ALBERT KAYATA, Prop. Harres Importer EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS IN MILLINERY, SUITS, EVENING GOWNS, WRAPS, ETC. 1624 Walnut Street MP and all kinds of HANDMADE LACES, MADEIRA, EMBROIDERIES, NIGHT GOWNS and KIMONAS 1037 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. The Fashionable Walking Boot A very practical model combining style and service in black, and tan calfskin, combinations of black and white, tan and white; also black with pearl grey top. SOROSIS SHOE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA | 1314 CHESTNUT STREET Of CLUNY, FILET, PONT DE VENICE, | Wonder devel- in "Reins and novelty wool- 4 078, emphasizing contrasts. ts Exclusive models. $29.50 to $125 ‘The _Geuting Idea has provided a shoe store and a service that are well-nigh irre- _ sistible to any man or woman who has once experienced its benefits GEUTING’S 1230 Market Street Philadelphia The Sleeping Beauty The Newest of the Fairy Tale Sundaes at SODA COUNTER Select from this notable display A very unique assortment of birthday cards, place cards, bridge scores. Stationery, desk materials and calling cards 34 and 36 South Fifteenth Street Gift Department B. CHERTAK Millinery Importer v 1229 Walnut Street Philadelphia Latest Styles in Hair Dressing Tinting with Henna powders will give any shade desired Transformations Shampooing Wigs Toupees Manicuring Violette Rays Permanent Hair Waving CHARLES J. LUCKER 113 S. Thirteenth Street 'N PATRONIZING ADVBRTIOSRS, PLEASE MENTION “THE COLLRGR NEWS" [fone ‘Mo scam. ao. 5—May 2, 1917 ETC. PLAQUES, MEDALS, of Superior Quality and Design THE HAND BOOK WNustrated and Priced ; matied upon request BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE CO. Diamond Merchants, Jewelers, Siiveremithe, Heraidiste, Stationers PHILADELPHIA SHOP Gowns, Coats, Sport Suits, Waists For Every Occasion Specializing in Youthful Models--- Reasonably Priced WALNUT 5366 1335-1337 Walnut Street Opposite Rits-Casiton Bell Phone, Locust 2291 HEMINGWAY Importer of MILLINERY 1618 WALNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA The Globe-Wernicke Co, Sectional Bookcases Library Tables STUDENTS’ DESKS 1012 CHESTNUT STREET PHILA. Hotel Gladstone CHELSEA Atlantic City Open all Year Special Rates to the Mem- bers of Bryn Mawr College Address MISS McGROARTY MULTIPLEX HAMMOND Two sets of type in each machine. “‘Jast Tarn the Knob” Presto one or the other Simple—Compact—Portable “Hew York Guy. NY. 208 South Ith Street, Philadelphia