CALENDAR Wed., Lie 2 : -7.30-p. m.~—Miss Kingsbury’s class. in " ‘poetal: study. Speaker, Mrs. Raymond Robins, National President of the beloona an’s Trade League. Fri., April 27 8.30 p. m.—Lecture before the Graduate _ Club in Taylor Hall by Dr. Benjamin Miller on South America. 8.00 p. m.—Junior-Senior Supper Play. Sat., April 28 9.30 a. m.—Second Track Meet. 8.00 p. m.—Junior-Senior Supper Play, public performance. Sun., April 29 : 6.00 p. m.—Vespers. Speaker, G. Wood- bury ’19. 8.00 p. m.—Chapel. Sermon by the Rev. H. E, Adrianse, of Englewood, N. J. Tues., May 1 8.45 a. m.—Announcement of Scholar- ships and prizes. Wed., May 2 8.00 p. m.—Founders’ Lecture by Dr. Rufus Jones, of Haverford College. Fri., May 4 8.00 p. m.—Song Recital by Dr. Thomas Ruth for the benefit of the Endowment Fund. Sat., May 5 8.00 p. m—Lecture by Dr. Lillian Welch, of Goucher College, Baltimore, on “American Women and Science”. Sun., May 6 6.00 p. m.—Vespers. Speaker, D. Ship- ley ’17. BUNTHORNE A PACIFIST ? THE SENTIMENTAL FASSION CON- SIDEREDHIN WAR TIMES Shortly after the performance of Pa- tience by the Glee Club, the following no- tice appeared in a daily paper entitled, “The Vegetable Fassion”. Bunthorne’s satire is turned to a use probably not intended by the author. “The main advance of the pacifist forces upon Washington is thus announced in a headline: ‘1000 Pacifists Bearing Tulips Go Crusading’ The tulip is ‘The Hague’s white flower of peace’. An inspiring sight, surely, at a time of national crisis. The mind instantly reverts to Bunthorne’s creed: Then a sentimental passion of a vegetable fashion should excite your languid spleen. An affection A la Plato for a bashful young potato or a not-too-French French bean! : Though the Philistines may jostle, you will rank as an apostle in the high gesthetic band. If you walk down Piccadilly with a poppy or a lily in your medieval hand. And every one will say As you walk your flowery way, ‘If he’s content with a vegetable love which would certainly not suit me, Why, what a most particular pure young man this pure young man must be’! Tulips and twaddle! Heaven send us men”! ALUMNA NOTES Rose Marsh ‘08 has announced her en- gagement to the Rev. Jacob Simpson Pay- ton, of Ben Avon, Pa. The wedding will take place in June. Jean Stirling "12 was married last week to Mr. Stephen Gregory at St. John’s, Washington, D. C. Julie Benjamin ‘07 (Mrs. Roger How- son) has a daughter born last month. Margaret Prussing ‘11 (Mrs. Albert Le Vino) has a son born last January. Margaret Blodgett ex-’07 has started a business in Massachusetts as curator for private libraries. For yearly contracts, the cataloguing, classifying, buying for, and general maintenance of, private li- braries is attended to. Alice Hearne "13 has announced her en- gagement to Jullus Rockwell of Taunton, Mass. Miss Hearne is a sister of G. Hearne ‘19. MME. BIELER TRACES GROWTH OF Tv _ FRENCH SPIRIT uP TO TO-DAY That of a Woman. To “a fair, intelligent, captivating woman” who has at last found herself, Madame Charles Biéler likened France when she spoke last Friday evening in Taylor .on “The Soul of France”. From the dawn of history down to the present war, Madame Biéler traced the develop- ment of the nation’s human qualities. “In the old forests of Gaul”, she said, “Baby France was born”. In a little while her life became better organized and she moved into a feudal chateau. Presently, realizing the rudeness of her life she turned her chateau into a dwelling of the Renaissance. Starving her people to in- crease her allowance she followed the ad- vice of her ministers, “une foi, une loi, un roi”, August, 1914, Brings Salvation “In 1870”, continued Madame Biéler, “France, a practical, scheming woman, was shaken to the depths by the declara- tion of the Franco-Prussian war. Pa- triotism became a mere superstition, sci- ence shook men’s faith in religion. From this nightmare France awoke at the be- ginning of the twentieth century and for a few years enjoyed renewed health and vigour until on the second of August, 1914, the war cloud once more overshad- owed her. Then, confident, strong, united, her sons shouldered arms and marched to the front, while their nation, tem- pered by years of trial, suffers and waits in patience, assured that success will come, And thus, we hope, France is sav- ing her soul”, Madame Biéler, who has four of her own sons and two adopted boys now fight- ing for France, then told of the work her sister has done, first in reuniting refugee families separated in the flight to Paris, and now in the care of the wounded “poilus”’. FELLOWSHIPS AND SCHOLARSHIPS ANNOUNCED LAST WEEK IN CHAPEL Remaining Awards To Be Made May Day President Thomas announced the nomi- nations for fellowships and for scholar- ships affecting present graduate students, Bryn Mawr graduates, and seniors in chapel last Thursday. ~The announce- ments were made at this time so that students could make their plans for next year. The remaining undergraduate scholarships and prizes will be announced as usual on May Day. Five seniors have won scholarships. They are: Social Economy, Eleanor Dulles 17, first matriculation scholar from New England and an editor of the News; Greek, Marjory Milne ’'17, first matricula- tion scholar from the Western States; Economics, Bertha Greenough '17; Phil- osophy, Amelia MacMaster ‘17, Special Bryn Mawr Scholar; Psychology, Istar Haupt ’17. Scholarships awarded to Bryn Mawr alumnze and to graduate students are: English, Eva Bryne ‘16, Scholar, Bryn Mawr; History of Art, Alice Franklin, Scholar, Bryn Mawr; Geology, Isabel Smith '15; Social Economy and Social Research, Helen Ross and Inez Neterer, Scholar, Bryn Mawr. Foreign Scholarships: British, Dorothy Everett, Scholar, Bryn Mawr; Mabel Kit- son, Scholar, Bryn Mawr; Margaret Clarke, Francesca Stead, Marguerita Pol- lard. Fellowships: Greek, Lucy Powell; Latin, Louise Adams, special European Fellow of Bryn Mawr and student in Rome; English, Esther Dunn, Instructor in English, Bryn Mawr; German, Olga Marx; Semitic Languages, Beatrice Al- lard, Fellow, Bryn Mawr; History, Mar- garet Woodbury, Fellow, Bryn Mawr; Economics, Helen Adair; Social Economy, Carola Woerishoffer, Fellow, Agnes Byrnes, Susan B. Anthony Memorial Scholar, Bryn Mawr; Psychology, Mary Almack, Fellow, Bryn Mawr. The Development of France Compared to oe Smart Dresses, $7.50 up ye 112 South 17th Street E. Cor. 15th and Walnut Sts. Philadelphia a HORN & SON Costumers ey Theatrical, Historical, and Classic Costumes, Wigs and Accessories 919-921 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Student patronage solicited. Established 1852 JOHN J. MeDEVITT Pr PRINTING seencse Nest te Public Scheel 915 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. WM. T. McINTYRE GROCERIES, MEATS AND PROVISIONS ARDMORE, OVERBROOK, NARBERTH AND BRYN MAWR BRYN MAWR AVENUE BELL PHONE 307-A N. J. LYONS BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES BRYN MAWR, PA. Wheels to Hire, 25c an hour, 50c a day __ CAREFUL HANDLING A SPECIALTY BE PREPARED | CoroNA TYPEWRITER for preparedness classes Convenient Compact Price $50.00 COLLEGE NEWS, Agent “v1 NAPKIN RINGS SPECIALS Each. With initial 25C. cos in. Passel Post, 8 che, Repairing of all kids. THE CUT GLASS SHOP 7 S. Sixteenth Street Philadelphia THE COLONIAL TEA ROOM AND SHOP PICNIC LUIWCHEONS NUT BREAD A SPECIALTY PHONE: Ardmore 1105 W Open Sunday unt P Me Telephon, Bryn Mawn 410 . of sweater. Lee, Se ee Silk Handkerchiefs and Notions FW. PRICKITT | BRYN MAWR Is the authorized DRUGGIST to Bryn Mawr College and students. Messenger calls 11 a. M. at each hall daily (Sunday excepted) for orders Whitman's Candies Seld Store, Lancaster Ave. THE W. 0. LITTLE METHOD and THE M. M. HARPER METHOD 814 W. Lancaster Pike Bell T Filbert 2111 ope iter THE BRYN MAWR TRUST CO. CAPITAL $250,000 Does a General Banking Business Allows Interest on Deposits Safe Deposit Department HENRY B. WALLACE CATERER AND CONFECTIONER Bryn Mawr, Pa. JEANNETT’S BRYN MAWR FLOWER SHOP Successor to Mabel and Albert H. Pike N. S. TUBBS 807 Lancaster Avenue F. W. CROOK Tailor and Importer 908 LANCASTER AVE. BRYN MAWR Outing Suits Riding Habits Remodelling Cleaning and Pressing Phone 424 W Work called for Telephone, 570 THE |BRYN MAWR MILLINERY SHOP M, C. Hartnett, Prop. 816 LANCASTER AVENUE HATS AT SENSIBLE PRICES BRINTON BROS. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES LANCASTER AND MERION AVES. BRYN MAWR, PA. Orders Delivered We Aim to Piease You PHILIP HARRISON LADIES’ SHOES Shoe Repairing LANCASTER AVE. BRYN MAWR JOHN J. CONNELLY Florist Rosemont, Pennsylvania M. M: GAFFNEY LADIES’ AND GENTS’ FURNISHINGS DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS POST OFFICE BLOCK 415 Lancaster Pike Haverford In Spotless White You'll Look All Right ia TRY CONFECTIONER MILK ROLLS ST. MARY’S LAUNDRY CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE ARDMORE, PA. REASONABLE RATES IN PATRONIZING ADVERTISHRS, PLEASE MENTION “TUE COLLEGE NEWS" ICB CREAM ANDICES FANCY CAKES RAMSEY BUILDING BRYN MAWR, PA. Phome 258 ere fas er ae TT TO TE