No, 23—April 18, 1917] THE COLLEGE NEWS SPORTIN Bryn Mawr holds five American rec- ords in track. M. Krantz has been elected sopho- more track captain in place of H. Huntting, who has not yet returned to college owing to the illness of her mother. Photographs illustrating track ath- letics are posted on the bulletin board in the gymnasium. A. Lubar '18 and B. Fegley '18 have just been authorized. This brings ’18’s number of authorized swimmers up to BASKET-BALL CAPTAINS ADOPT SPALDING’S NEW UNIFORM RULES Expected to Induce Cleaner Play In a captains’ and managers’ basket-ball meeting last Friday Spalding’s new 1917 men’s rules were read, discussed, and adopted. As a result the Friday basket- ball practise, though attended with some confusion on the lower teams as to just what the new rules permitted, was notice- ably cleaner and more open. Bryn Mawr has always used men’s rules, but previous to the present it played under those of the Amateur Ath- letic Union of the United States. The new rules are a combination of the Ama- teur Athletic Union, the National Colle- giate Athletic Association, and the Young Men’s Christian Association. This is the second year of uniform rules in the basket-ball world. An abbreviated version of the new rules and an account of the important changes follows: Playing Terms 1. A goal is made when the ball enters the basket from above. 2. Out of Bounds—A player is out of bounds when any part of his body touches the boundary line or the floor out- side of the boundary line. The ball is out of bounds when it touches the boundary G NEWS 92 per cent, the highest in college, and one more point for the All-Round Championship. Their total now is 11 Points. On Saturday, April 7th, Yale played her last baseball game and rowed her last race until after the war. The team has been recalled from its Southern trip and all engagements cancelled. At Harvard and Princeton all ath- letic schedules have been cancelled also. ee line, the floor outside the boundary line, or when it is touched by a player who is out of bounds. (Formerly out of bounds was not declared when a ball or player touched the boundary line.) 3. Held Ball is declared when two op- posing players of opposing sides have one or both hands on the ball, or when one closely guarded player is withholding the ball from play. (The provision as to the “closely guarded player” is new and will prevent one frequent cause of delaying the game.) 4, Running with the Ball is progressing more than one step in any direction while retaining possession of the ball. (For- merly a player catching the ball on the run was allowed two steps, but a player catching the ball standing still could only take one foot off the ground. Now one step may be taken in either case.) 5. Holding is personal contact with an opponent that interferes with the oppo- nent’s freedom of movement. 6. Blocking is impeding the progress of an opponent who has not the ball. New Division of Fouls 7. Personal Foul is holding, blocking, tripping, pushing, charging, or committing any other form of unnecessary roughness. 8. Technical Foul is any foul not in- volving personal contact. 9. Disqualifying Foul is rough play for which a player is removed from the game. Fouls and Penalties will be found on page 5. PENNOCK BROS. Choice Flowers Daily Free Delivery along the Main Line 1514 CHESTNUT STREET “COLUMBIA” ATHLETIC APPAREL FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN Ss te Bloomers Athletic Bragsiere es and Garters Consumers’ Pesos endorsement COLUMBIA GYMNA SUIT COMPANY Makers 301 Congress St., Boston, Mass MRS. G. S. BASSETT Announces The Sports Clothes Shop has MOVED to 1630 Walnut Street Ready-to-wear Golf, Tennis, and Country Suits, Riding Habits, Top Coats, Shirts, Sport Hats. For the Athletic Girl —Something SPALDING CORRECT Gymnasium and Outdoor Sports Apparel and Implements For Tennis, Golf, Basket Ball, Swimming, Rowing and every other Athletic Pastime Write for our Catalogue A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 1210 Chestnut Street Philadelphia FRANCIS B. HALL Habit and Remodeling Breeches Dry Cleaning Maker Theatrical Pressing Costumes 32 Bryn Mawr Ave., Next to P. R. R., Bryn Mawr TELEPHONE: 68 any time. In connection with the sch The Little Riding School BRYN MAWR, PA. Mr. William Kennedy desires to announce that he has opened a Riding School for general instruction in Horse Back Riding and will be pleased to have you call at Especial attention given to children. A large indoor ring, suitable for riding in inclement weather. stable for show horses (harness or saddle). 6 BRYN MAWR ool there will be a training TRACK MEET SCHEDULED FOR NEXT SATURDAY Bryn Mawr Holds Five National Records The first of the two track meets, weather permitting, is scheduled for next Saturday morning, April 21st, the final meet coming a week later on April 28th. 1917 won track last year and 1918 the year before. For two years H. Harris '17, the holder of the college record in the standing high jump and in the hop, step, and jump, has been individual champion. Entries and Officials All entries must be made through the class track captains to Miss Applebee by 6.30 p. m. and to the President of the Athletic Association, M. Thompson ’17, by 10 p. m. of Friday, April 20th. The heats will be drawn up Friday evening and the meet will start promptly at 9.30 Saturday morning on the lower athletic field. All officials must be on the field at 9 o’clock. They are: Starter, EB. Seelye "17; Judges, E. B. Kirk ’14, M. Andrews 17, G. Malone ’17, C. Dodge 18, Hi. Schwarz '18, C. Hollis 19; Announcer, K. Event Record 50-yd. Dash 61-5 s. 75-yd. Dash (A) 8 3-5 s. 100-yd. Dash (A) 12 s. 60-yd. Hurdles (A) 91-5 s. 100-yd. Hurdles (A) 15 2-5 s. Running High Jump 4 ft. 4 in. Standing High Jump _ 8 ft. 8 in. Hop, Step, Jump 81 ft. 5% in. Baseball Throw 181 ft. 10 in. Basket-ball Throw 76 ft. 6 in. Javelin Throw 68 ft. 3 in. Hurl Ball (A) 85 ft. 4% in. Class Relay 38 2-5 s. Blodgett 17; Scorers, R. Levy ’17, M. Mall ’18; Timekeepers, A. Beardwood ’17, I. Haupt ’17, M. Stair 18, M. O’Connor "18, S. Taylor 19, G. Woodbury ’19. In case of rain the meets will be post- poned to April 28th and May 5th. Basket-ball Throw Dropped The basket-ball throw has been dropped and no new events have been added, though the discus throw was contem- plated. Of American track records for women Bryn Mavr has five to its credit, the greatest number held by any one col- lege. Until 1915 the American record ord in the hurl ball was held by Miss Kirk (E. B. Kirk ’14) with a distance of 83 ft. % in., that is, 2 ft. 3%, in. less than the record established by M. Scatter. good ’17. The official Bryn Mawr records, as pub- lished in Spalding’s Athletic Almanac, are as follows (“A” indicates the holder of an American record): Holder Year W. Crenshaw ’12 1912 M. Morgan 715 L. Haydock ’13 1913 M. Morgan ’15 1912 F. Crenshaw ’12 1912 EK. Faries ’12 1912 M. Morgan ’15 1914 ' L. Mudge 715 1912 H. Harris °17 1916 H. Harris ’17 1916 M. Thompson ’17 1914 E. Houghton ’01 1899 M. Strauss ’18 1915 M. Scattergood ’17 1915 Class of 1915 1914 IN PHILADELPHIA Lyric.—“So Long Letty’’. ADELPHI.—“Getting Married’, by Bernard Shaw with William Faversham and Henrietta Crosman. LItTLu— “Candida” and ‘“Over-Ruled’, by Bernard Shaw. BroaD.—“‘Shirley Kaye’’ with Elsie Ferguson. GARRICK.—“Fair and Warmer”. Forrest.—‘‘Miss Springtime”. ACADEMY OF MusIc.—April 23, 2 P. M. Two piano recitals by Bauer and Gabrilowitsch for the benefit of the Navy League. Ritz-CaARLTON.—April 19, 38 P. M:\ Alfred Noyes will read his own poems for the benefit of the social service department of the Presby- terian Hospital. KINDERGARTEN BEGINS STUDY AT COMMUNITY CENTER Sixteen boys and girls about five years old, “who couldn’t wait to go to school”, came to the kindergarten Monday noon. The children who are paying fifteen cents apiece or two for a quarter, showed no signs of fear or regret at having begun their education. Spring ALICE MAYNARD 546 Fifth Ave., at 45th St., New York Cordially invites inspection of her display of ADVANCE including a wonderfully attractive line of Sport Suits and Dresses Also Sweaters, Art Needlework and Novelties Modes IN PATRONIZING ADVERTISERS, PLEASE MENTION “THE COLLEGE NEWS” as AE