THE COLLEGE NEWS Special Rates to the Mem- bers of Bryn Mawr College - Address MISS McGROARTY Model Shop Imported and Domestic Gowns and Waists The smartest of all the Spring modes. 35 to $59.50 = NAPKIN RINGS at Reasonable Prices z agar ey . c ‘will not be found asc, ik Yeas 107-109 South Thirteenth Street Philadelphia Philedstphia. Se on et tae (13th St. just below Chestnut) er CES GLaes Telephone, Filbert 4120 ALBERT KAYATA, Prop. : h Bell Phone, Locust 2291 Harre I e | HEMINGWAY 5 (he wa Importer : G t . te ; —_——_—_—_———— 1615 WALNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA Of CLUNY, FIBET, PONT DE VENICE, EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS IN | and ail kinds of HANDMADE LACES, cu ing : : MILLINERY, SUITS, MADEIRA, Saeanemnss, . The Globe-“Wernicke Co, EVENING GOWNS, oe I d e Sectional Bookcases Library Tables WRAPS, ETC. Reduction Sale from now until Christina, a STUDENTS’ DESKS 1624 Walnut Street 1037 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1012 CHESTNUT STREET PHILA. has provided a shoe College and School Emblems store and a service and Novelties THE HAND BOOK that are well-nigh irre- mune era soti . BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE CO. The sistible to any man or CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA ‘ woman who has once Fashionable Walking | experienced its bsnents Girls Boot GEUTINGS|) ™& v | ‘ o RR. 1230 Market Street | Fy » A very practical model combining style and service in black, and tan Philadelphia mo a calfskin, combinations of black and white, tan and . VIVACIOUS white; also black with pearl grey top. ‘ eS | Fairy Tale Sundae rs _$ SOROSIS SHOE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA | = * Tudmes aie | Es. Uy pet be —dashin 1314 CHESTNUT STREET My * Yn, mood and iene aon a et Wy value received. Se enna oe ¥ : | $8.50 up SODA FOUNTAIN Select Sifts fr om this A New One Each Month a Ane “ty, * without your ruff of Fox er % notable display B.CHERTAK | an N reasonable s A very unique assortment of Christ- Millinery Importer | Mewsen te Deliins mas Gifts, including the famous Mark | 1115 Chestnut St. Cross novelties. You are sure to find | “bs | many holiday suggestions in the store. | ROSEWAY SHOP There is still time to order engraved | 229 Walnut Street Christmas Cards Philadelphia Gowns, Coats, Waists Latest Styles in For Every Occasion Hair Dressing Tinting with Henna powders will Specializing in Youthful Models— | Pe oy ea ae Reasonably Priced : | Transformations Shampooing , Wigs Toupees Manicuring rh Violette Rays 34 and 36 South Fifteenth Street oujinsia hs ties one — . _ CHARLES J. LUCKER 1335-1337 Walnut Street 113 S. Thirteenth Street Opposite Rits-Castton IN PATRONIZING ADVERTISERS, PLEASE MENTION “THE COLLAGE NEWS"