| MAIDS’ PARTY A Gay AFFAIR The Maids’ Christmas ‘party, given in the gym Monday night by the Maids’ Classes Committee of the C. A., with a Christmas tree, gave ample opportunity for the display of varied talent. Planta- tion songs by a chorus of‘ maids from Pembroke; a duet, “At the End of a Per- fect Day’; a solo, “Give Me Thy Heart”, and two recitations, “The Builders” and “Il Have No Mother’, won much applause. M. McKenzie "18 and J. Ridlon ‘18 danced, and Miss McKenzie gave an exhibition on the parallel bars. Z. Boynton, the Fresh- man executive of the committee, elected last week, appeared in an amusing stunt. ' After an impromptu dance ice cream and candy were served. FAMOUS VAN DYKES REACH NEW YORK Possessions of Earls of Denbigh Five famous Van Dykes, valued at $1,- 500,000, have been purchased from the Earl of Denbigh and brought to New York, where they will be on exhibition at the galleries of Lewis and Simmons Son after New Year’s. The portraits have “been in the family of the Earl of Denbigh since they were painted, four of them upon order of Charles I, to whom the first Earl of Denbigh was a devoted adherent. Two of the portraits are of King Charles and Queen Henrietta Maria themselves. GEORGE EDMUND STREET, SUBJECT OF MISS KING’S NEW BOOK “George Edmund Street, Unpublished Notes and Reprinted Papers”, is the title of Professor Georgiana Goddard King’s book just published by Putnam for the Hispanic Society of America. It is an essay somewhat as a preface to notes by Mr. Street on his travels. “I have written the memorial, brief enough and all inadequate”, Miss King begins her essay, “of a man who died more than thirty years ago, who lived a Tory and a High Churchman, who worked ing fight, no figure ever less evolved re- gret or toleration”. CAMPUS NOTES | -_—_ The . Sophomore duncs-tor the sient oo /men was given last Friday evening in the | — gymnasium. All went in fancy dress, the Sophomores in green and white as men, and the Freshmen as their partners. A. Moore '19, as chairman of the Committee for Music; provided a three-piece orches- | tra.. M. Scott was chairman of the re- freshments and E. Adams, of the Program Committee. “Ghosts and Souls” was the subject of Dr. Leuba’s lecture at the Science Club tea last Thursday in Pembroke East. The Lost and Found sale last Friday in the Bookshop netted about $25. The money goes to the Undergraduate Asso- ciation, which pays the salaries of the persons running Lost and Found. The wedding of Ruth Driver ex-’19 to Jack Rock will take place on New Year's Day at Montecito, California. Marie Willard ex-’18 (Mrs. Harlan Har- ris Newell) has a son, born on Thanks- giving Day. In addition to the large number of stockings filled this year, eighty bags, bright red and green, are being filled with candy to be sent to the College Settle’ ment House at Christian Street, Philadel- phia. Dr. Rufus Jones, trustee of Bryn Mawr, has written a book on the “Inner Life”, published by the Macmillan Co. The facts of science and of Biblical criticism are surveyed with discussions of Darwin, James and Bergson. Dr. David Hilt Tennant will preside at the Joint Meeting of the American So- ciety of Zoologists and Section F (Zool- | ogy) of the American Association for the Advancement of Science to be held De- | cember 27, 28, 29, at Columbia University. | | Dr. Thomas Hunt Morgan, of Columbia University, will read one on “An examina- tion of the so-called process of contami- nation of genes”. Dr. Morgan was for- merly Professor of Biology at Bryn Mawr /and is married to Lillian Sampson Mor- to revive Gothic Architecture in England. | Yet no man ever less fought a los- | Then follows a short biography of the great architect and an} gard for his authoritative book on Spain, “Gothic Architecture in Spain”. Miss King says, “The effect of it was to teach the rest of Europe that the glory of mediwval Spain endured; that one could actually see south of the Pyrenees, a great religious art surviving, strong, virile, -spontaneous, the expression of personal independence and manly piety. No one ever packed up fewer prejudices in his baggage, no one ever brought out more truth”. The remainder of the book is Mr. Street’s own “Notes on a Tour in Central Italy’ and “Notes on Some French Churches”, There are many illustrations from his own pencil sketches and two photographs of him. The appendix re- prints two papers of his already pub- lished, one on St. Mary’s near Dartford and one on the churches of northern Miss King. Of this gan ’91. Movies will be given by 1919 for the benefit of the Endowment Fund on Janu- ary 13th and 20th in the gymnasium. A appreciation of his work with especial re- | Play, a comedy, and current events will be shown on the screen. Admission is twenty-five cents. GERMAN CLUB PLANS COMPLETE At the first meeting of the German Club, a week ago Monday, it was decided to have regular meetings every other Tuesday afternoon. Work for the Ger- man Red Cross and Widows’ Fund, sew- ing and knitting, with discussions of the German newspapers, is the program of the regular meetings; but at the open meetings, of which there will be several, prominent men will speak. The next reg- ular meeting will be the Tuesday after vacation. The requirement for membership is a conversational knowledge of German, which must be tested by Miss Ruth Per- | kins, reader in German at. Low Buildings, Germany, with explanatory foot-notes by | Last year Miss King published two pa- | pers on Spain in the Transactions of the Archeological Institute of America, the) “Horse-shoe Arch in Spain” and “An Un- known Church and Two Others”. The material for these two papers was drawn from Miss King’s work in Spain two sum- mers ago. Et Tu Brute A janitor putting quiz books in the class rooms, according to a recent report, asked one of the professors if he was going to give a quiz that day. The answer of the absent minded pro- fessor, according to the report, was, “No, are you"? or M. Hoff ’17, president of the club. THE COLLEGE NEWS_ Still-Life Tih All kinds of — tinahes at short t. Modelli Pottery notice. Tlephicas; Bookie es ares Telephone: Bryn Mawr a10-R. : Blouses MARY G. MCCRYSTAL i ro $1.50 up 842 LANCASTER AVENUE G0, Smart Dresses, $7.50 eerie P| Choice assortment of wools for every kind e's 112 South 17th Street ‘ es - eos x wv N. E. Cor. 15th and Walnut Sts. eos, esheets sine, Rusciings, VAN HORN & SON F. W. PRICKITT BRYN MAWR Costumers Theatrical, Historical, and Classic Costumes, Wigs and "Accessories 919-921 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Student patronage solicited. Established 1852 JOHN J. McDEVITT a ne Tick PRINTING ‘ast Et a hate Wels baw 915 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. WM. T. McINTYRE GROCERIES, MEATS AND PROVISIONS ARDMORE, OVERBROOK, NARBERTH AND BRYN MAWR BRYN MAWR AVENUE BELL PHONE 307-A N. J. LYONS BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES BRYN MAWR, PA. Wheels to Hire, 25c an hour, 50c a day Fla hts and Batteries For Sale KATES SHARPENED The Ideal Christmas Gift If you want to give some one the best and most en- joyable present they ever received, let it be a CoroNA TYPEWRITER Father F. C. Powell Leads Christmas Service (Continued from Page 1) men and makes them notice the beauty | around them. The Babe of Bethlehem is | the supreme example of God’s often re- peated act, putting a child in the midst | /of us so that we shall see the day dawn- | ‘ing. At Christmas the whole world gath- | ers around a babe.” “Parvum Quando Cerno Deum”, an old Christmas pastoral, which has not been sung since 1913, “Silent Night, Holy Night” and “Sleep, Holy Babe”, with violin obligato played by R. Levy ‘17, | were the anthems sung by the augmented | choir of twenty-seven. regular organist, played. IN PATRONIZING Miss Wieand, i REASONABLE RATES i 415 Lancaster Pike from | for personal use COLLEGE NEWS, Agent THE COLONIAL TEA ROOM AND SHOP PICNIC LUIWCHEONS NUT BREAD A SPECIALTY PHONE: Ardmore 1105 W Haverford | In Spotioss White You'll Look Al Right | ADVERTISERS, PLEASE TRY ST. MARY’S LAUNDRY ARDMORE, PA. MENTION “THE COLLEGE NEWS Is the authorized DRUGGIST to Bryn Mawr College and students. Messenger calls 11 A. M, at each hall daily (Sunday excepted) for orders Whitman's Candies Sold Store, Lancaster Ave. THE W. 0. LITTLE METHOD and THE M. M. HARPER METHOD 814 W. Lancaster Pike Bell Teleghone Filbert 2111 Bryn Mawr Philadelphia THE BRYN MAWR TRUST CO. CAPITAL $250,000 Does a General Banking Business Allows Interest on Deposits Safe Deposit Department HENRY B. WALLACE CATERER AND CONFECTIONER Bryn Mawr, Pa. JEANNETT’S BRYN MAWR FLOWER SHOP Successor to Mabel and Albert H. Pike N. S. TUBBS 807 Lancaster Avenue F, W. CROOK Tailor and Importer 908 LANCASTER AVE. BRYN MAWR Outing Suits Riding Habits Remodelling Cleaning and Pressing Phone 424 W Work called for Telephone, 570 THE BRYN MAWR MILLINERY SHOP M, C. Hartnett, Prop. 816 LANCASTER AVENUE HATS AT SENSIBLE PRICES BRINTON BROS. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES LANCASTER AND MERION AVES. BRYN MAWR, PA. Orders Delivered We Aim to Please You PHILIP HARRISON LADIES’ SHOES Shoe Repairing LANCASTER AVE. BRYN MAWR JOHN J. CONNELLY Florist Rosemont, Pennsylvania M. M. GAFFNEY LADIES’ AND GENTS’ FURNISHINGS DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS ' POST OFFICE BLOCK C. D. EDWARDS | CONFECTIONER MILK ROLLS CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE ICE CREAMANDICES FANCY CAKES RAMSEY BUILDING BRYN MAWR, PA Phone 258 Attractive rooms yr and can