TE Le eT OE ee eT eS ny ae Model ap ‘Gowns and Waists at Reasonable. Prices 107-109 South Thirteenth Street (13th St. just below Chestnut) Phitadelptite Telephone, Filbert 4120 ALBERT KAYATA, Prop. li Of CLUNY, FIBET, PONT DE VENICE, and all kinds of HANDMADE LACES, MADEIRA, EMBROIDERIES, NIGHT GOWNS and KIMONAS Reduction Sale from now until Christmas, so buy your Christmas present here 1037 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Harres © Importer EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS IN MILLINERY, SUITS, EVENING GOWNS, WRAPS, ETC. 1624 Walnut Street THE COLLEGE « e Slippers Hosiery Attractive models Exclusive variety in plain and bro- g of designs, includ- cade satin, cloth of ing the Richelieu Id and_ silver and Rembrant rib- - ; s bed. A large assort- beaded kid and OO” wf ment of colors in suede in various Phoenix Guaran- styles. teed Hose. Sorgsis Shoe Company of Philadelphia 1314 CHESTNUT STREET Select gifts from this notable display A very unique assortment of Christ- mas Gifts, including the famous Mark Cross novelties. You are sure to find many holiday suggestions in the store. There is still time to order engraved Christmas Cards. 34 and 36 South Fifteenth Street Gift Department Millinery Importer NEWS. 1 ‘identis ee . Special Rates to the Mem- bers of Bryn Mawr College Address MISS McGROARTY Coats, Suits, Daytime and Evening ee [= NAPKIN RINGS SPECIALS E}] 25c. cacin. Parcel Post, 8 cte Repairing of all kihds. THE CUT GLASS SHOP 7 S. Sixteenth Street Philadelphia Bell Phone, Locust 2291 HEMINGWAY Importer of MILLINERY 1615 WALNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA The Globe“Wernicke Co, Sectional Bookcases Library Tables STUDENTS’ DESKS 1012 CHESTNUT STREET _—S PHILA. THE PENNSYLVANIA BRANCH OF THE SHUT-IN SOCIETY Exchange 205 South Sixteenth Street, a Purchase Christmas “every penn means a ray of eckeume wae.” r ALL SORTS OF DAINTY XMAS GIFTS Girls GEUTINGS|; @ Geuting Idea has provided a shoe store and a service that are well-nigh irre- sistible to any man or woman who has once experienced its bsnefits \. 2 1230 Market Street a % Philadelphia ) re e . ® VIVACIOUS If you have several friends to entertain & MILLINERY take them to RS Every new shape—every s ‘ : - TEA ROOM : : Soda service after three o’clock WINTER FURS Of course you know that B.CHERTAK j=. = ™ Mawson & DeMany 1115 Chestnut Sea v ‘ROSEWAY SHOP 229 Walnut Street | Philadelphia Gowns, Coats, Waists Latest Styles in For Every Occasion Hair Dressing ee | Specializing in Youthful Models— Reasonably Priced Tinting with Henna powders will give any shade desired Transformations Shampooing Wigs Toupees Manicuring Violette Rays Permanent Hair Waving CHARLES J. LUCKER 113 S. Thirteenth Street WALNUT 5366 1335-1337 Walnut Street Opposite Rits- Carton IN PATRONIZING ADVERTISERS, PLEASE MENTION “THE COLLEGE NEWS”