THE COLLEGE NEWS _ UPPER CLASSMEN LOSE TENNIS panes - Light Blue Wipes Out ‘old na —_—_—— 4 For the first time in four years a light blue team has won an athletic champion- _ ship. 1920, last Friday and Saturday, wiped out ’16’s record of defeats by win- ning the tennis singles from the Sopho- ‘mores, both first and second teams. ‘Seniors and Juniors were put out of the Trunning early in the week. First Team Semi-Finals 1917 vs. 1920 . Thompson ‘17 vs.-M. 8. Cary '20, 6-4, Levy '17 vs. Z. Boynton ’20, 2-6, 4-6. Smith °17 vs. K. Cauldwell '20, 1-6, 7-9. 1918 vs. 1919 4- pPr wap he Atherton ‘18 vs. R. Chadbourne ‘19, 6-2, 4-6, 3-6. K. Sharpless '18 vs. M. Peacock '19, 8-6, 6-2. In the first team finals, Saturday after- noon, 1920 won in straight sets on all three courts. 1920 vs. 1919 M. 8. Cary '20 vs. A. Thorndike '19, 6-4, 6-4. Z. Boynton ‘20 vs. R. Chadbourne ‘19, 7-5, 6-2. K. Cauldwell ’20 vs. M. Peacock ‘19, 6-2, 6-2. The Freshmen downed the Sophomores again in second team finals Friday. 1920 vs. 1919 P. Chase '20 vs. E. Biddle ‘19, 6-3, 6-3. M. M. Carey '20 vs. A. Stiles '19, 8-6, 2-6, unfinished. M. Hutchins 6-1, ’20 vs. F. Branson ’'19, 17-5, ALUMNZ NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Wylie Brown (Anna Wells ’08), have a daughter born last week. Mary R. Schmidt ex-’14 was married last June to Mr. William Kurtz of York, Pa, Eleanor Duckett, Ph.D., Latin at Smith College. Ruth Lautz ’16 is teaching mathe- matics at Miss Marot’s School, Thomp- son, Conn. Maud Dessau ’13 had been the athletic director there since 1913. Lucy Carner ’08 is the General Secre- tary of the Y. W. C. A. in Wilkes-Barre, Fa. Dorothy Cox '14 is studying Architec- ture at Columbia. - Clara Fuller, ex-’16, was married last July to Warner Taylor, Instructor in Eng- lish at the University of Wisconsin. Miss Fuller left Bryn Mawr in 1915 to study at the Wisconsin and took her A.B. there last year. is Instructor in OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS AT. THE WRONG DOOR A strange letter received by G. Malone "17, addressed as “Secretary, Students’ Employment Office, Bryn Mawr College, Pa.”, comes as a shock to those who con- sider Bryn Mawr far famed. Since she could not give the desired information, Miss Malone has turned the request over to the “News”. The letter, printed in full, will solicit perhaps tHe codéperation of the student body in aiding “The Strat- ford Co.”. “Dear Sir: If you happen to know of a young man who is seeking an opportunity to earn money while attending your col- lege, you may refer him to us. He must be possessed of executive ability and some personality, and must have made his mark in some special field of colle giate endeavor. Yours very truly, The Stratford Company”. ARMY OFFICERS TO BE TRAINED IN COLLEGE Presidents of seventeen different col- leges and universities have been called in conference by the War Department preparatory to the establishment of sys- tematic methods for training reserve army officers in college. They met at the Army War College in Washington.on Oc- tober 17th. Richardson ’18 vs. A. Thorndike ‘19, 0-6, |hockey teams. NEW. QUARANTINE. REGULATIONS magnet ge New quarantine regulations were is- sued last Friday. Students may go in to Philadelphia but no further, and must not spend the night off Campus. As- semblies of people must be avoided. These rules will hold until further no- tice. Any student disregarding these rules will not be allowed to return to College until after the quarantine is lifted. © > DARKNESS HOLDS. UP DOUBLES Darkness again held up tennis on Mon- day, when the first court in the semi- finals of first team doubles, 1917 versus 1920, stopped with a set apiece and the games in the third set 4-3, 1920 leading. 1920 won its match on the second court and lost on the third court. The first court, M. Thompson and C, Stevens ‘17 versus P. Chase and M. S, Cary ’20, will finish out the deciding set this afternoon. Cc. Stevens ‘17, M. Thompson ‘17 vs. P. Chase '20, M. 8S. Cary '20, 6-4, 5-7, 3-4. M. Willard ’17, R. Levy ‘17 vs. Z. Boyn- ton '20, L. Cauldwell '20, 4-6, 4-6. y. Smith 1%, Ci. Wileot “iT va M. Mi Carey ’20, E. Brace ‘20, 6-2, 6-1. CAMPUS NOTES As quarantine prohibited church going last Sunday, J. Ridlon ‘18, chairman of the Religious meetings committee ar- ranged with the Office to have a cele- bration of Holy Communion in Taylor Hall at 8.00 A. M. The Rev. Charles Townsend of the Church of the Good Shepherd was the Celebrant. Between 40 and 50 students attended the service. In order that Dr. S. G. Kingsbury may lead the meeting, the time of the Wed- nesday evening has been changed from 9.30 to 7.30. Dr. Kingsbury’s subject will be “College Settlement and Social Work”. 1918. F. Buffum has been elected to the Advisory Board of the Undergraduate Association. P. Turle has been elected swimming captain. 1919. D. Chambers and M. Rhoads have been appointed as managers of the 3.30 Two teams are reporting regularly on the field at that hour. 1920. K. Townsend has been elected as swimming representative. M. M. Carey has been elected hockey Captain. M. Mall is manager. M. Brown, M. Hardy, and A. Sanford have been appointed to manage the teams not playing on the first field. Cuts in the players trying out for teams will be made this week. L. Kellogg has been elected as song mistress. The first points for the Athletic Cham- pionship have been won by 1920, the light blues making 25 points on the first and second tennis championship. President Thomas has offered prizes for the person showing the greatest knowledge of current events and also of the great writers of whom she speaks of in Chapel. Hotel Gladstone CHELSEA Atlantic City Open all Year Special Rates to the Mem- bers of oe Mawr College ee eg er ee ee er Adérean MISS McGROARTY ©" [The White Gate Studios =F BR Radnor Road, Bryn Mawr Classes in Dra . Modeling, Paint tion, Design, Book-Binding, Pottery and pe Lectures on the History of Art. Orders taken for binding new or old books. Virginia Wright Garber Florence Wellsman Fulton Telephone, Bryn Mawr, 635 Iilustra- Carving ‘| ~ Our ‘Vetchiag” wT oppers”? The Top coat prodaimed fashion! See A our big 127 S. 13th-St. warm, roomy The Shop of Sensible Prices Just above Walnut Philadelphia The Blum Blouse Shop is now replete with a most inclusive assortment of Georgette Crepe Blouses THOS. H. McCOLLIN & CO. 54 North Ninth St., Philadelphia DEVELOPING AND PRINTING KODAK FILMS PHOTOGRAPHIC ENLARGEMENTS Send your films by mail and pictures will be returned Within 24 hours, S . . a pa. SESSLER’S BOOKSHOP at 90. 1314 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. BOOKS FOR GIFTS THE BLUM STORE 1310 Chestnut St. Pilidhie| Ge Pictures and Greet- Special attention ing Cards , to Framing Ondulation Marcel Hair and Tinting Permanent Wave pee nd Goods ca rte ALBERT L. WAGNER 3 Cents cae ia Ladies’ Hair Dresser Manicuring Facial M 137 S. Sixteenth St. Violet Rays Philadelphia Phone, Spruce 3746 1721 CHESTNUT STREET “Let’s Lunch today at the Suffrage-Tea-Room —It’s Fine.” MERCER—MOORE Exclusive Gowns, Suits, Blouses, Hats 1702 WALNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA Developing and Finishing K‘ As it should be done HAWORTH’S Eastman Kodak Co. 1020 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA —————————— THE GOWN SHOP Exclusive Gowns and Blouses 1329 Walnut Street | RAPP THE BOOK SHOP BOOKS OF ANY PUBLISHERS CALENDARS AND NOVELTIES Prices right 1701-03 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia MRS. G. S. BASSETT Announces | The Sports Clothes Shop has MOVED to 1630 Walnut Street Ready-to-wear Golf, Tennis, and Country Suits, Habits, Top Coats, ‘Shirts, Sport Hote” — THE LUGGAGE SHOP | 1502 Walnut Street | Philadelphia repaired and ma You Old Jewelry “zmigt 04 | IRA D. GARMAN 11th STREET BELOW CHESTNUT Consumers’ League endorsement COLUMBIA GYMNASIUM SUIT COMPANY Actual Makers Watch Repairing Moderate Prices “COLUMBIA” ATHLETIC APPAREL FOR GIRLS | einai we bess Skirts Camp Costumes caus Sole | ane Bloomers ee | 301 Congress St., Boston, Mass TYROL. WOOL Ladies’ and Nileess 18.50 22.50 24.50 (In a Knijted Fabric) Suits Fall and Winter Models and Colors Suits for all purposes STYLE 630 PRICE $22.50 Top, Motor and 18.50 21.50 13.50 MANN & DILKS 1102 CHESTNUT STREET Polo Coats IN PATRONIZING ADVERTISERS, PLEASE MENTION “THE COLLSGR NEWS"