Odds Trim Evens in Second Team Matches - - 1917 and 1919 defeated 1918 oad ite with decisive scores, in the second team games. Line-up: 1916 1919 J. Ross R. Chadbourne _H. Robertson M. L. Thurman L. Garfield M. Bwen Cc. Kellen D. Hall B. Porter R. Hamilton Cc. Heydeman H. Johnson H. Tyson Field goals—1916.: C. Kellen, 1; H. Robert- son, 1. 1909: M. Ewen, 4; D. Hall, 1; R. Chad- bourne, 2. Line-up: 1917 1918 BE. Emerson LB. M. O’Connor M. Willard R. F. M. Stair c. Hall Cc L. Pearson _A. Davis R. B.C. L. Hodges BE. Hemenway L. 8. C, P. Turle G. Malone R. G. A. Newlin H. Kendig L. G. H. Butterfield Subs playing—1918: M. Scott, F. Buffum. Field gonls—First half, 1917: ©. Emerson, 3: M. Willard, 1. 1918: M. O’Connor, 1. Second half, 1917: C. Hall, 2. Referee—Miss Wesson. TEXAN STUDENTS BUY PROFESSORS’ PICTURES . The Sydney Lanier Literary Society of the University of Texas has promised to auction off to the highest bidder “several rare pictures of certain professors taken when they were babies.” The students are going to sell the pictures at a large fair which they have arranged to hold this spring. 112 South 17th Street Cor. 15th and Walnut Sts. Philadelphia ta Buy a CoroNA Weight 6 lbs. With case 8} lbs COME PRACTISE ON ONE Instruction Free All Makes Rented Second-hand Ones For Sale Special Agent THE COLLEGE NEWS Apply to Anyone on the Board In Spotless White You'll Look All Right TRY ST. MARY’S LAUNDRY ARDMORE, PA. REASONABLE RATES ————— THOS. H. McCOLLIN & CO. 54 North Ninth St., Philadelphia DEVELOPING AND PRINTING KODAK FILMS PHOTOGRAPHIC ENLARGEMENTS Send your films by mail and pictures will be returned within 24 hours. JOHN J. McDEVITT Pr Gowns, Blouses, Also 1305 F ALICE MAYNARD 546 Fifth Avenue, at Forty-fitfh St. New York City Importer of Art Needlework Distinctive wearing apparel, particularly adapted to meet the requirements of COLLEGE GIRLS Wedding Trousseaux a Specialty Washington, D. C. UUUEU UG AEU NA UONLA HULLARTH UTA Suits, Sweaters, Street, N. W. THE LODGE TEA ROOM 637 Montgomery Avenue Attractive rooms for large and small suppers. All kinds of picnic lunches at short notice. Telephone: Bryn Mawr 410-R. Artists’ and Water Colors, Artists’ Mat Brushes, Canvases, Easels. Sketching Umbrellas. Fine Drawing and Water Color Paper. Waterproof Drawing Ink. Modeling Materials. F. WEBER & CO. 1125 CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA | “9 ~——s An Exhibit of > ; r er QY. Summer pe ee oe & . . Fashions will take place at the Montgomery Inn . Bryn Mawr On Monday and Tuesday May 8th and 9th (FROM MILLARD’S DRESS SHOP, PHILADELPHIA) You are cordially asked to see our approved summer modes in smart frocks for lawn fetés, class days, com- mencements and dances. Also linen frocks, blouses and separate skirts for out-door sports or morning wear. The Shops of Sensible Prices Baltimore 213 N. CHARLES ST. New York BROADWAY AND 82D ST. Philadelphia 127 S. 13TH ST. TYROL WOOL Cn a Knitted Fabric) Ladies’ and Misses’ Suits 18.50 22.50 24.50 Spring and Summer Models and Colors Suits for all purposes Top, Motor and Polo Coats 18.50 21.50 13.50 MANN & DILKS 1102 CHESTNUT STREET STYLE 630 PRICE $22.50 W. L. EVANS MEATS AND GROCERIES Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ROSEMONT, PA. THE BRYN MAWR MILLINERY SHOP M. C. Hartnett, Prop. 816 LANCASTER AVENUE HATS AT SENSIBLE PRICES Phone: Bryn Mawr 260 All hail, Bryn Mawr! MADAME J. FROUMENT And ye her daughters forget not, The eald changes sone call Reet. FRENCH GOWNS FANCY TAILORING Bell Phone 1605 GREEN ST. Poplar 21-01 Philadelphia Sean foe 1.39 to 6:30 each Meniag, Teele | aad IN PATRONTZING ADVBRTISMRS, PLEASB MENTION “THE COLLEGS NEWS" oo aha ers