THE COLLEGE NEWS 3 CAMPUS NOTES ‘Miss Dorothy Lamb, Lecturer in Arch eology, 1912-13, is working in the Wool- wich Arsenal, England, on shell testing. Dr. Moldenhauer, who preaches next Sunday, was one of the most able of the speakers at Eaglesmere. His course on “How to Appreciate the New Testament” was attended by the majority of the Bryn Mawr delegation. Dr. Moldenhauer’s de- cided statements regarding spiritual truths so overpowered the members of a certain section of the Y. W. C. A. Con- ference that they withdrew from his class after the first meeting. The latest approved method for flood- ‘Ying skating ponds is to be tried on the new field this winter. The plan is to sprinkle the field when it is zero weather and let a thin coat freeze, and to continue this until the ice is three inches deep. Katherine Consuelo Eastwick, 1918, has announced her engagement to Lieut. M. H. Keene, of the United States Coast Artillery Corps. At the Bates party on Saturday, A. Van- Horn will impersonate “Sue, the Sickly Stenog”; M. Thompson, “Bernice the But- terick Beauty”; T. Smith, “Cuty the Clerk”. Two scenes from the Kindergar- ten at camp will be given by Helen Har- ris. Miss Virginia Deems will give an account of the work of the camp. Ice cream and candy will be sold during the dancing. ANNOUNCEMENT }evening, December 15. COLLEGE SETTLEMENT WEEK ~~ The New York College Settlement, dur- ing the week December 12th to 18th, will give entertainments showing the work of the settlement, An invitation is extended to every College student in or near New York during this week. The program he- gins with “95” at home on Sunday even- ing. Wednesday “The Dream Lady” will be given in the Gymnasium at 86 First Street. Thursday evening, artists from Mr. Nelson Durrit’s studio will give a concert in Clinton Hall, assisted by the Settlement Glee Club. On Saturday the Barnard Players will give a production of Chesterfield’s ‘Magic’, followed by a dance in the Settlement Gymnasium. That same evening the Wellesley Club, of New York, has arranged for a concert, to be followed by a dance, by the Univer- sity Musical Club at the Hotel Astor. During the week a sales, and tea-room will be open on Fifth Avenue with Col- lege Clubs in charge: Monday, Smith; Tuesday, Barnard; Wednesday, Radcliffe; Thursday, Wells; Friday, Bryn Mawr; Saturday, Vassar. MRS. SPINNEY TO-PRESENT SOCIAL WORK IN SETTLEMENT LECTURE Mrs. William Spinney (Mabel Foster, 07), head of the New York Neighborhood Workers’ Association and worker at Greenwich House, New York, is to give a lecture in Taylor Hall on Wednesday She will discuss pressing social problems and will give some idea of the work of the College Set- tlement Association. Philadelphia College Club i i The College Club admits as active! members graduates of all the leading col- | leges. It admits as associates those who | have succesfully completed one year or | more of the regular academic course. The club wishes to make itself useful | to all College women and it extends a cor- dial invitation to Bryn Mawr students, | both graduates and undergraduates, to visit its club house. Miss Martha Thomas, Miss Orlady, Miss Dimon and other mem- bers of the club will be glad to give cards of introduction to those who wish to take a meal in the restaurant, or make use of the bedrooms. : Anyone who wishes to become a mem- ber of the club must be recommended by one member and seconded by two. The initiation fee is $10.00. Annual dues: Res- ident members, $10.00; Non-resident, $5.00. MAIDS’ CLASSES IN FULL SWING Sunday School Begins Maid’s classes have begun with a good attendance and a promising program. About forty-five, including the choir of fifteen, were at thé Sunday school on December 5th. Classes will be taught on Wednesday evening and lectures in hy- giene and physiology are being planned. J. Deming and M. Andrews have charge of the choir. There will be a class in sewing Wednesdays from 8-9, taught by M. Hodge and A. Dixon; classes in spell- ing and arithmetic, from 9-9.30, and in reading and writing from 9.30-10, taught by A. MeMaster. Those who teach Sun- day school classes are: Rockefeller class, H. Allport; Pembroke West, M. L. Hick- man; Pembroke Hast, M. Gardiner; Den- bigh, M. Tyler; Merion, A. Kerr; Radnor, K. McCollin. Very Reasonably Priced Xa Mur fene FRENCH MODEL GOWNS 500 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK ANNOUNCES “A Fashion Féte MONTGOMERY INN Gowns, Wraps, Coats Tailleur Suits Debutante Frocks Bridge Dresses, Parisian Frocks Individual and Exclusive Models Dec. 10 3 , Appropriate 4 po oe Afternoon and Dansant Frocks ~ Lovely models that fetching effects in dainty dansant frocks. 127 South 13th Street ease at a they're so unusual. ics and becanse fa for the afterrtoon and The Shop of Sensible Prices Just above Walnut Philadelphia &; Cleaning ; Suits Waists Skirts Gowns Now is the time to let us make “new” that soiled garment. Our process is in- comparable. You May Pay Less— But it Costs You More. Phone Filbert 48-41. Barrett, Nephews & Co. Old Staten Island Dyeing Establishment 1223 Chestnut St. Dyeing Ceniemeri Gloves Finest Quality French Kid 8-Button 16-Button 20-Button $2.50 3.50 5.00 Long gloves are now being fitted leaving a small portion of the arm visible 1223: Chestnut Street W. L. EVANS MEATS AND GROCERIES Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Phone: Bryn Mawr 260 ROSEMONT, PA. Emma DeCreur Hairdressing Millinerp Sbampooing, Scalp and Face Massage Manicuring 1318 Chestnut Street Opposite Glanamaker's THE BRYN MAWR MILLINERY SHOP M. C, Hartnett, Prop. 816 LANCASTER AVENUE HATS AT SENSIBLE PRICES Christmas Millinery and urs ‘ Furs oy st \s 7 ss : wD = ON s A So : s = & S of = Ss = Christmas v = Furs 5 » for the girl who buys prac- © Ny tical gifts. Our stock of = My Coats and Sets are beyond 5 “y, the average in style and = z The Gown Shop 1329 Walnut Street Philadelphia Exclusive Gowns and Blouses |In Spotless White You'll Look All Right TRY ST. MARY’S LAUNDRY ARDMORE, PA. REASONABLE RATES Typewriters Buy a CoroNA Weight 6 Ibs. With case 8} Ibs COME PRACTISE ON ONE Instruction Free All Makes Rented Second-hand Ones For Sale Special Agent THE COLLEGE NEWS Apply to Anyone on the Board Accuracy Purity Promptness Eastman’s Kodaks and Films D. Noblitt Ross, P.D. si Y PHARMACIST re fai ~ “ey BRYN MAWR PA. chic models, all of yj | Pharmacist to Bryn Mawr Hospital them reduced in price | JOHN J.MeDEVITT — Pregame Mawson & DeMany | Lotter Heats 1115 Chestnut St. PRINTING ane!" Nest te Public Scheel : sStanateh Bryn Mawr, Pa. should be fitted Your to your hand by ||MADAME J. FROUMENT a Fountain Pen 2 repaind. || | FRENCH GOWNS ee FANCY TAILORING WATERMAN PENS J })| Beli Phone $605 GREEN S&T. ICHOL 1016 Chestee o Poplar 21-01: Philadelphia