4 Cee CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION COLUMN Morning Watch.—Subject: “The Con- formity of Our Will to God’s Will.” Monday—Romans 12: 1-3; I Thess. 5: 18. “The Will of God.” Tuesday—St. Luke Kindness of His Will.” Wednesday—Luke 20: 39-42; John 6: 30-32. “Christ’s Will.” THE COLLEGE NEWS Branson. Mrs. Ohol, a Hindu woman from Bombay, will be present to talk to Mrs. Branson’s class. o , A Gym Class at the — i erage gastng ar an Gale is what a gym class is like at the | excepted) for orders Settlement. At first utter confusion | Whitman's Candies Sold reigns. When the whistle blows a grand | scuffle and much shoving ensues, but | finally two fairly straight lines of little | F. W. PRICKITT BRYN MAWR Is the authorized DRUGGIST to Bryn Mawr 2: 8-19. “The Store, Lancaster Ave. WM. H. RAMSEY & SONS Thursday—Hebrews 13: 20-21. ‘Power - DEALERS IN of God’s Will.” | girls appear. “Aw, teacher, I want to be | FLOUR, FE Friday—St. Matt. 26: 37-44. “Sacrifice leader,” several voices call out at once. | » FEED AND FANCY GROCERIES Bryn Mawr, Pa. of Our Will.” |When order is finally established the | Saturday—Matt. 6: 9-10; Luke 22: 41- forty merry little girls march rapidly 43. Prayer. around the room. They make a scraggly Sunday—Hebrews 10: 35-36. “Our Re-| windmill. Then they try their hands at. F. W. CROOK ward, K. McC, a. wand drill. “To the left lunge!” and |. Finance Committee.—There is still | Viola hits Minnie in the face with her TAILOR AND IMPORTER about $200 needed to complete the wand. “Trunk forward bend!” and two Cleaning Pressing Remodeling or three wands fall on the floor with a budget. The active members of the AS- | crash. The drill ends with a jumping sociation have pledged $775 and the aux- iliary members, $100. The committee has been collecting the second semester dues and has sent two hundred notices to the auxiliary members who have not paid their dues, asking them to pay be- fore March tst. We are also collecting the budget pledges, and would like to have them all in by the same date, If anyone wishes to add anything to her pledge, even ten cents or a quarter, the collectors will be glad to receive it, for in this way we may be able to complete | the budget. There will be a meeting of the Finance Committee at 1.30, Thursday, in the | Christian Association Library. Federation Committea—If anyone) wishes to contribute to the McCall Mis- sion, she should send her contribution to Mrs. Anne E. Sampson, Bryn Mawr. The Mission is doing a great work of relief | at the present time among the people of France left destitute by the war. Some recent leaflets on the Mission have been placed on the Federation desk in the) Christian Association Library. /The Bible and Mission Study Classes.— The Bible and Mission Study Classes be- | gan last week with a large enrollment. This is not remarkable when we consider the interesting subjects offered by the different leaders. Ryu Sato’s class, a very large one, heard an interesting talk | on education in Japan, with an exhibition of some of the text-books used, the char- acters of the written alphabet and a les- son in the use of chop sticks. Helen Taft and Agnes Grabau began their studies of the Old and New Testaments, while Mrs. Branson and Miss Applebee began with introductory talks, on Medical Missions and the Epistle of St. John re- spectively. The subjects for next week are as fol- lows: “Micah,” Helen Taft; “The Gos- pel of Christ,” A. Grabau; “God as Right- eousness, and Love,” Miss Applebee; “Customs of Japan,” R. Sato; “The Three Steps of the Medical Missions,” Mrs. + | February jack which sets eveybody into shrieks of laughter. It is very different from Miss 'Applebee’s gym class, but the disorder ‘and confusion is more than excused by the flattering enthusiasm of the forty, happy, wriggling, frisking, little girls. Junk Committee.—Collection of Junk on Friday,_February.— 19th, 20th. Please turn out your bureau drawers and find something. for the Junkers who will carry away for you all the useless and useful articles you can spare, As one of our American poets has said, “Give what you can, to some other it may prove more useful than you know.” |THE BRYN MAWR TRUST CO. | CAPITAL $250,000 Does a General Banking Business Allows Interest on Deposits Safe Deposit Department COLLEGE AND SCHOOL EMBLEMS AND NOVELTIES * Of Superior Quality and Design THE HAND BOOK 1915 Illustrated and Priced mailed upon request BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE CO. Chestnut Street, Philadelphia MARY G. McCRYSTAL Successor to Ellen A. McCurdy LACES, EMBROIDERIES, RUCHINGS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS AND NOTIONS | 842 Lancaster Avenue Bryn Mawr, Pa. _ HENRY B. WALLACE CATERER AND CONFECTIONER Bryn Mawr, Pa. and Saturday, . 908 Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa. THE LODGE TEA ROOM HAS BEEN ENLARGED 845 Lancaster Avenue The usual quick Japanese service, delicious Salads; Scones, Sandwiches, ete. Phone Bryn Mawr 323-Y The Bryn Mawr National Bank BRYN MAWR, PA. Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $50,000 Undivided Profits, $27,141.30 Pays Interest on Time Certificates Travelers’ Checks and Letters of Credit Sold A Regular Banking Business Transacted BRYN. MAWR HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Corner of Lancaster and Merion Avenues BRYN MAWR FLOWER STORE ALFRED H. PIKE, Proprietor Florists to the late King Edward VII Cut Flowers and Fresh Plants Daily Floral Baskets and Corsages | Phone, Bryn Mawr 570 807 Lancaster Ave. | ‘ RYAN BROS. AUTO TRUCKS FOR PICNICS, STRAW RIDES, ETC, 18 People Rosemont, Pa. Phone, Bryn Mawr 216-D | | | i j | Accommodate TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING The Main Lines Headquarters for T, Bags and Suit Cases of thoroughly reliable ae ether with a fine assortment of Harness, Sa and 8 EDWARD L. POWERS 903-905 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Phone 373 ECKWER’S PHILADELPHIA MUSICAL ACADEMY Richard Zeckwer Camille W. Zeckwer 46th SEASON All Branches of Music and Theory Taught. Send for Prospectus. } Directors Branches 1617 Spruce Street 6029 MAIN STREET, GERMANTOWN 446 S. 524d STREET, WEST PHILA. CLASS AND PRIVATE LESSONS Special Classes for College Students. J. R. ZECKWER, Business Manager