come a 2s THE COLLEGE NEWS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION There will be a daily prayer meeting, 8.30 a. m., in the C. A. Library. On Tuesday, at 9.30 p. m., there will be a prayer circle in Rockefeller No.2 _ Federation Committee—There will be a meeting of the Federation Committee in the C. A Library at 1.30 p. m., Thurs- day, December 17th, ™ A short’ account .of the Federation Committee has been placed on the Fed- eration desk in the C. A, Library. Copies have also been given. to each member of the Reference Committee: Radnor, W. Savage; Merion, N. Hamill; Denbigh, G. Bryant; Pembroke, Fast, M. M. Thom- son; Pembroke, West, A. Lee; Rocke- feller, L. Garfield. ~— The Federation Committee have been posted | on the ©. A, bulletin. board Federation desk. and on the Employment Bureau--The Fietion Li- brary, in Denbigh, nelly, has made a with many new old on®s. For started by fresh start this books. and. lots of fifty cents you can be- year, you can read,.. The more subscribers, the can. buy, and we will be glad to get new books for the library on your suggestion. We are always glad to receive any of your books For furthei particulars come and see the 72 Denbigh. more new books we librarian, Sewing Committee mas dolls and all Christ- Please To-day stockings are due. give them to the person in your hall who distributed them. An exhibition of the things wilk be held in the Gymnasium this evening. Junk Committee—-We want to thank all the members of the who tributed clothing box sent to hundred College con- and Spring Street. families will receive bundles. permanent sub-committees of the | good |: subseriber and have all the books | realizes presents for the About. one | If anyone who is in New York for Christ- mas wants something interesting to do, | go to 244 Spring Street and help Miss | Applebee pack and deliver bundles, wash | babies and be generally useful. Boxes | were also sent to the Kensington Settle- | 842 Lancaster Avenue ment School. and the Downingtown Colored NEW SY*° &M OF FIRE DRILLS MODELED AFTER WELLESLEY The purpose of the new system of fire drills is to do away with all the confusion and futility of the drills of the past. In the old system time was lost and con- fusion caused by persons coming from a distant part of the building to the as- sembly place and receiving orders where | | who are absent, . } same, Miss PDon- to go to another part of the building. The result was wasted energy and time for those sent on draughts and warnings, and enormous responsibility on the lieu- tenants to remember whom they had sent, and where they had sent them. To remedy this, the squad system has been adopted. According to this system, the aide of each squad at the sound of the alarm is responsible for her squad and acts immediately time in receiving orders. After seeing that all of her squad are out of their rooms and that all windows have been | closed, she goes to her assembled squad, | and since each person is arranged in a definite order, she can tell at a glance and these names she re- lieutenant in charge who has the roll book. In this way much time is saved, and the lieutenant in charge bas an account of everyone, and has entrusted nothing to her memory. The drills will always be conducted ex- actly as in a fire. The alarm will be the and only the lieutenants will know whether it is a drill or a fire.. The sole purpose of the drill is to get everyone out-of -the—britdine—in—an-erderby and to have everyone accounted for. actual fighting of the fire will be done only by the trained: Fire Fighting Bri- vade,. composed ef men, the head fire captain, the six hall captains, and six hall lieutenants, all under the leadership of Mr, Tom Foley. The ordinary students will, therefore, not be allowed to attempt to put the fire out. Her sole duty is to shut her windows, provide herself with a wet towel and heavy clothing and form in and thus be accounted for. If each person that her part in the drill, though is very important, the system will direct and effective. ISOLDE ZECKWER, Head Fire Captain. pots to the The own quads im an orderly way simple, he very MARY G. McCRYSTAL Successor to Ellen A. McCurdy 'LACES, EMBROIDERIES, RUCHINGS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS AND NOTIONS Accommodate 18 People Bryn Mawr, Pa. HENRY B. WALLACE CATERER AND CONFECTIONER ey Bryn Mawr, Pa. without any loss of — WRy- j | j | j F. W. PRICKITT BRYN MAWR Is the authorized DRUGGIST to Bryn Mawr College and students. Messenger calls 11 A. M. at each hall daily (Sunday excepted) for orders Whitman’s Candies Sold WM. H. RAMSEY & SONS DEALERS IN : FLOUR, FEED AND FANCY GROCERIES Bryn Mawr, Pa. F. W. CROOK TAILOR AND IMPORTER Cleaning Pressing Remodeling 908 Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa. THE LODGE Phone Bryn Mawr 323-Y 845 Lancaster Avenue Tempting Dinners and Dainty suppers specially prepared Sandwiches, Salads, and Cakes made to order for College Teas The Bryn Mawr National Bank BRYN MAWR, PA. Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $50,000 Undivided Profits, $27,141.30 Pays Interest on Time Certificates Travelers’ Checks and Letters of Credit Sold A Regular Banking Business Transacted BRYN MAWR HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS| Corner of Lancaster and Merion Avenues BRYN MAWR FLOWER. STORE ALFRED H. PIKE, Proprietor Florists to the late King Edward VII Cut Flowers and Fresh Plants Daily Floral Baskets and Corsages Phone, Bryn Mawr 570 807 Lancaster Ave. RYAN BROS. AUTO TRUCKS FOR PICNICS, STRAW RIDES, ETC. Rosemont, Pa. Phone, Bryn Mawr 216-D TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING The Main Lines Headquarters for Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases of thoroughly relia! le makes, together with a fine assortment of Harness, Saddlery and Automobile Supplies EDWARD L. POWERS (903-905 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Phone 373 ECKWER’S PHILADELPHIA MUSICAL ACADEMY ‘Richard Zeckwer Camille W. Zeckwer | Directors 46th SEASON All Branches of Music and Theory Taught. Send for *ospectus. 1617 Spruce Street Branches { $42" MAIN STREET, GERMANTOWN 446 S, 52d STREET, WEST PHILA. CLASS AND PRIVATE LESSONS Special Classes for College Students. J. R. ZECKWER, Business Manager Store, Lancaster Ave..