ee See Rant Mine, Re RTO MTN gee CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION “Morning Watch” schedules may be ob- tained from A. Grabau, '16, or E. Dulles, sy The daily prayer meeting of the Chris- tian Association is held in the C. A. Li- brary at 8.30 a. m. Everyone is invited to attend. A mid-week prayer circle will be held in Radnor No. 20, for Merion, Radnor, and Denbigh; in Roekefeller No. 2, for Rockefeller and Pembroke West. Bible Study Committee.—Mr. Deems | will give the third lecture of his series, | on December 16th; Taylor Hall. His subject will be, “The Bible as the Social Worker's Inspiration.” Mission Study Committee.—The com- mittee met on December 3d, and arranged for the following Mission Study Classes | for the Second Semester:_.‘Japan,” led | by R. Sato, 17; “The Women of India and Turkey,” led by L. Dillingham; Missions,” led by 'E. Dulles, '17. The time of meeting for these-classes~ will be de> cided later. . Federation Committee.—There will be a meeting of all Episcopalians in the C. A. Library, Thursday, December 10th, *“at 1.30. in securing their usual number of Christ- has dolls. ; The children who get these dolls every: Christmas: are too little to. realize the horrors of the war and they will look forward eagerly to their Christ- mas as they always have. you will dress one of the dolls and help us keep them from being disappointed. Junk Committee.—‘Will this fit a boy of 6?” “Something for a baby of 1 year!” “Old lady of 80 wants something warm; she can’t wear this red cap.” “I’ve noth- ing for my boy of 12.” “Peggy, you're the biggest, try this on to see if it will) fit my invalid size 44." These were the wild and woful cries at the Junk Meeting | on Saturday, when the Christmas bundles RECITAL + Mme. Stuart Taylor, Vocalist Miss Bertha Emily Harding, Pianist for the benefit of the Educational Fund of the Pennsylvania Medical Missionary Society AT. HAVERFORD UNION HAVERFORD COLLEGE Saturday, December 12th At 8 p. m. Tickets $1.00 *“Me.Nere. East and) at 8.30 in Room F,| The Sewing Committee. —In spite of the) increase in the prices of all toys, the) Sewing Committee has been fortunate) We hope that. were hatin made up. _The familiar seine 36 or 38, were fairly easy, so were the | girls of 16 and 17. One thoughtful Junker | had brought some boys’ clothes from | home which helped out with the large | families, so the committee managed to make up presents for forty families, but) sixty more bundles are needed. Will) every member of the Christian Associa- tion give something even if it is only a collar or’an old pair of gloves? Bring it) to the Gym or give it to the Hall Junker. Also wanted: Christmas stockings filled | | for old ladies. Apply to Gymnasium. GOD, NATURE AND MAN | Sermon by Dr. Johnson Ross | In spite of the cold and the sleet on | Sunday\evening the Chapel was crowded to hear Dr. Johnson Ross. Dr. Ross spoke | of the five cardinal sins which, arising from wrong relation with nature, have done much to bring about the confusion “Medical | which prevails at the present day. These sins are thanklessness, waste, destruc- tiveness, crueHy to animals, and idleness. In order to clear up confusion of ideas, Mr. Ross emphasized the fact that man | is sovereign of creation only so long as| he uses his sovereignty for moral @énds, | /and that there is, indeed, a close moral | sympathy between man and nature. Dr. | Ross concluded by saying that sham spir- | ituality had made a dividing line between | 30d, nature and man, and that it is only through such great crises as the present | war that we are made to realize how, close a between the three. | NOTICE All those .who wish t6 take the course on Private Law next semester will please hand their names to A. Kenyon, ’15. The course will be two hours a week and Dr. Fenwick will try to find a time con- venient for all. MARY G. McCRYSTAL Successor to Ellen A. McCurdy LACES, EMBROIDERIES, RUCHINGS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS AND NOTIONS. 842 Lancaster Avenue } Bryn Mawr, Pa. HENRY B. WALLACE CATERER AND CONFECTIONER Bryn Mawr, Pa. | College and students, | Whitman’s Candies Sold Phone, Bryn Mawr 570 /903-905, Lancaster Ave. 4 ‘ ee COLLEGE. NEWS F. W. PRICKITT BRYN MAWR Is the authorized DRUGGIST to Bryn Mawr Messenger calls 11 A. M. at each hall daily (Sunday excepted) for orders Store, Lancaster Ave. WM. H. RAMSEY & SONS DEALERS IN ‘ FLOUR, FEED AND FANCY GROCERIES ~ Bryn Mawr, Pa. F. W. CROOK | TAILOR AND IMPORTER | Cleaning Pressing Remodeling 908 Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa. = THE LODGE Phone Bryn Mawr 333-Y 845 Lancaster Avenue Tempting Dinners and Dainty Suppers specially prepared Salads, and Cakes made to order for College Teas Sandwiches, The Bryn Mawr National Bank BRYN MAWR, PA. Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $50,000 ‘Undivided Profits, $27,141.30 Pays Interest on Time Certificates . Travelers’ Checks and Letters of Credit Sold A Regular Banking Business Transacted BRYN MAWR HARDWARE co. HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS . Corner of Lancaster and Merion Avenues ‘BRYN. MAWR FLOWER STORE ALFRED H. PIKE, Proprietor _ Florists to the late King Edward VII ‘ Cut Flowers and Fresh Plants Daily Floral Baskets and Corsages 807 Lancaster Ave. RYAN BROS. AUTO TRUCKS FOR PICNICS, STRAW _ RIDES, ETC. Accommodate 18 People Rosemont, Pa. Phone, Bryn Mawr 216-D TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING The Main Lines Headquarters for Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases of thoroughly reliable makes, penne with a fine assortment of Harness, Saddlery and Automobile Supplies EDWARD L. POWERS Bryn Mawr, Pa. Phone 373 ECKWER’ Richard Zeckwer | Camille W. Zeckwer | Directors 46th SEASON All Branches of Music and Theory Taught. Send for Prospectus. S PHILADELPHIA MUSICAL ACADEMY 1617 Spruce Street 1 | 6029 MAIN STREET, GERMANTOWN | ranches { 46's. 2d STREET. WEST PHILA. CLASS AND PRIVATE LESSONS Special Classes for College Students. J. R. ZECKWER, Business Manager