» ALUMNAE The Coll Volume I. No. 15 CALENDAR SATURDAY, JANUARY 39 11 a.m.—Taylor Hall. Meeting of the Alumni Association: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Second Semester begins at 9 o'clock. 7.30—Bible Class. The Rev. C. Deems. 9.30—Mid-week Meeting of the C. A Leader, Miss Hallett. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6 30 Pp. M.—Swimming Meet. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 .M.—Vespers. Speaker, A Werner, ‘16 M.—Chapel. Preacher, Dr. Erdmiin. > ~ H Pp P BRYN MAWR COLLEGE LIBRARY Serenity and peace and sunny dream Have laid their blessing on these grace- ful towers, And airs august from old-world Oxford seem To breathe among these courts and cloistered bowers. JOHN RUSSELL HAYES. (Reprinted from the “Public Ledger.’’) ANNUAL REPORT annual report of the College Library for the year beginning October 1, 1918, and ending September 30, 1914, has recently been compiled and the fol- lowing sumimary may be of interest in giving some idea of the work of the library. During the year 2,584 added, of which 392 were total number of volumes on October 1, 1914,. was 74,293... The number of volumes registered at the Loan Desk during the year was 24,648, of which 3,568 were placed in the reserve The volumes gifts, so the in the library were book room and seminary rooms. The remainder were taken for study or gen- eral reading outside the building. FLOUR, FEED AND FANCY GROCERIES Bryn Mawr, Pa. F. W. CROOK TAILOR AND IMPORTER © Cleaning Pressing Remodeling 908 Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa. THE LODGE TEA ROOM HAS BEEN ENLARGED 845 Lancaster Avenue The usual quick Japanese service, delicious Salads, Scones, Sandwiches, éte. Phone Bryn Mawr 323-Y The Bryn Mawr National Bank BRYN MAWR, PA. Capital, $50,000 Surplus, $50,000 Undivided Profits, $27,141.30 Pays Interest on Time Certificates Travelers’ Checks and Letters of Credit Sold A Regular Banking Business Transacted BRYN MAWR HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Corner of Lancaster and. Merion Avenues BRYN MAWR FLOWER STORE ALFRED H. PIKE, Proprietor Florists to the late King Edward VII Cut Flowers and Fresh Plants Daily Floral Baskets and Corsages Phone, Bryn Mawr 570 807 Lancaster Ave. RYAN BROS. AUTO TRUCKS FOR PICNICS, STRAW RIDES, ETC. ‘ Accommodate 18 People Rosemont, Pa. Phone, Bryn Mawr 216-D 7 TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING The Main Lines Headquarters for Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases of thoroughly reliable makes, somseber with a fine assortment of Harness, Saddlery and Automobile Supplies EDWARD L. POWERS 903-905 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Phone 373 PHILADELPHIA MUSICAL ACADEMY 1617 Spruce Street~ Branches { $029 MAIN STREET, GERMANTOWN 446 S. 52d STREET, WEST PHILA. CLASS AND PRIVATE LESSONS Special Classes for College Students. J. R. ZECKWER, Business Manager