49 -. WHERE TO SHOP ae " &y ¥ A THE COLLEGE NEWS @ | STRAWBRIDGE | J... CALDWELL & CO. an d CL 0 T H I E R atti” nee Streets * SPECIALISTS IN ae oe RSMITHS ‘@ ‘ar Separate Skirts -—“The Thirteenth Street Shop Where Fashion Reigns” — Thirteenth Street, just below Chestnut Afternoon Dresses Evening Gowns and Dance Frocks Blouses and Silk Lingerie Always the Most Distinctive Fashions i in os and Top Coats FASHIONABLE APPAREL | FOR YOUNG WOMEN ———_____ MARKET, EIGHTH & FILBERT STS. > % College Insignia | Class Rings Sorority Emblems STATIONERY WITH SPECIAL QUALITY ICE CREAM AND CAKES “WE OPEN A NEW SHOE STORE AT 904 LANCASTER AVE., BRYN MAWR WITH A FULL LINE OF SHOES FRANK REGNIELLI, PROP. _ PHILADELPHIA MONOGRAMS, CRESTS-and SEALS CATERER CONFECTIONER Telephone, Bryn Mawr 867 por ||; - NUT BREAD sais - A SPECIALTY | LUNCHEON o ~KOPLIN’S = Bryn Mawr The Hearthstone TEA 25 NO. MERION AVENUE BRYN MAWR, PA. ‘Rite Candy Shop SALTED NUTS 1504 CHESTNUT STREET 1349 WALNUT STREET 149. S. BROAD STREET PHILADELPHIA Ghe Ha t Shop SPRUCE 4801 ' J. E. BRISTOR | Hats for Town and Country Wear ° SIXTEEN-NINE CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA KIEFERLE Co., INC. Gowns, — Suits, , Topcoats, _ Wraps and Waists to order - ready to wear 10 per cent discount to students 188 8. 18th Street, Philadelphia ath eee Bell Phone: Spruce 27-68 M. RAPPAPORT Furrier Fine Furs § Remodeling Newest Styles Alterations | 201 S. 17m St. “¥24" PHILA GERTRUDE NIXON . -HEMSTITCHING © _ #8 OLD LANCASTER ROAD Bryn Mewr 455 DENNEY & DENNEY, Inc. 1518 WALNUT ST. Spruce 4658. HATS | PANCOAST BRYN MAWR, PA. || 1314 Walnut Street, 1730 CHESTNUT STREET -- PHILADELPHIA. . Silversmiths Stationers PHILADELPHIA. ihiseiiiie EMBLEMS - RINGS SEALS + CHARMS - PLAQUES MEDALS, ETC. “Jit THE GIFT BOOK Mailed upon request INustrating. and pricing GRADUATION AND OTHER GIFTS path BSED ANNOUNCING The New Remington Portable ‘Typewriter UNIVERSAL KEYBOARD SAME AS ~ ALL STANDARD TYPEWRITERS The Machine You Have Been Looking For oS REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO. 110 South 9th Street NAVY BLUE s . Sailor Middy Blouses for Girls Finest Material—Tailored Same as U.S. Navy All wool flannel or . = o + « « « $5.00 Neckerchiefs or AMO se 0 ak ee the blouses Rating or Emblem 60c. White Blouses. . 2.00 Blue Linen Middy Was 6 6 0S 12.00 Send for measurement blank Money returned if not satisfactory : Arlington Uniform Co. Box 21 | ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, MASS. 1008 LANCASTER AVE. Philadelphia, Pa. Manicuring Facial and Scalp Treatment * EDYLLIA VIQLBT PREPARATIONS CATHARINE McGINTY ' 134 East Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. : Bell Ph 2 Maroel Waving. Dyeing, Bleaching Het Oil it Shampoos a Specialty _+ Hair Goods to Ordet Sessler’s Bookshop | BOOKS : PICTURES : Philadelphia SON © SHOPS PHILIP HA WALK-OVER B Complete line of ~ Ladies’ Shoes and Rubbers se : 818. Lancaster Ave. The Bryn Mawr Studio PHOTOGRAPHS OF DISTINCTION Gifts and Cards for All Occasions A delightful place with an atmosphere that is decidely uniqué’ JAS. S. GANTZ or Chabad Wigs, Etc. To Hire 3 Be For Amateur Production, ae wig Masquerade, Church Enter- }; tainments, Plays, Minstrels, Tableaux, Etc. 236 S. 11th St., PHIEA. Bell Phone, Walnut 18-92 B. B. TODD, inc. PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS VICTROLAS AND RECORDS 13€6 ARCH ST. 1623 CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA JOHN J. CONNELLY ESTATE ~The Main Line Florists 1226 Lancaster Ave., Rosemont, PA. Telephone, Bryn Mawr 252-W | INPRESSE REDUCTIONS J “which set aprecedent for . & Now 50°- were to 95 °° - ji i= were to 495° - 5 RT CO, cut to re ae mstances the Fur Trav are worth more than the price asked 3 for the entire cee ‘ Inm ye Now .35°°- A5°- 65°° MWY f +, were to 75°°- “i” . ISo°° | LOUSOLS STANDARDS OF [- J} STOCK CLEARANCE ff aa - COATS @ WRAPS ~~ UI 7. 00. do ‘Roo. 185° : pe “350°