a * = : ‘ Z ! < : ial aecorny c Bee a eae cart THE COLLEGE NEWS - arenes —- oe News in 1 Brief a SSS SS ~The. general information test was won| Freshman Committee will consist of two by H. T. Farrell, ’21; “‘B.: Constant, ’24,| people chosen by 1923 and three people to | tok second place, and A. R. Taylor, '21,| be elected in the ,fall by 1925.. H. Rice, third.. K. Ward, ’21, was the winner of| K. Straus, F. Martin, D. Meserve and mes the general literature test, M. Tjader, . Matteson ‘are 1923’s committee for chébsing second, and D. Burr, ’23, third. the first twogchairmen. ; | } Be ne ee yy CN ‘eS. we The first annual exhibition of. ha. Att : Club" was given in the library recently. dress. = Astolat, Harpenden, Herts, . Eng- Contributors frony the ‘undergraduates in- land.’ He will be very. pleased to gee any duded P. Smith °22>° Me Morrieon. “21: -‘members of the College’ who may find} p Wychof: re D. Fitz 93 ssciadh B. themselves in England. Borden, '24, ; ee aoe : Senior reception to, the faculty was-held President Thothas will write a pamphlet this spring on the “Students “Building,” on the roof of the gymnasium last Satur- day night. Songs were sung by the Senior which will- be distributed through the com- si = - = Harmony Club during the evening, mittee’ to students in various large cities aaa ‘ ete to ‘interest’ people : ‘who may make some Shee 7 a | JD FRENCH MARRONS Bryn: Mawr Alumnae and former~ stu-| ’ ’ Yhe an confection of Paris -dents are planning to form a hockey team Dorothy Gardner has been elected song A tempting délic ase a _in New York next year. It will play at| ™stress for next year by- 1924, . tokeepin for caaer a “various county clubs inthe: falland. at ‘The - Art Slide. adele Miss. Geor in wl, : giana ame in the spring. if it works up well. King to see the exhibition of modern paint- Bie Ganeo Spl, CFenners and Wallaces- “Anyone whe will -be-in-New York is urged} ing at the Acdaemy of Fine Arts on Me. o fnc. to NEW YORK CITY to notify Miss Ann Taylor, 101 87th] May 11. : : — ~ — Street, New York. D. McBride, J. Spur- , ; ney and W. Worcester ate “among those —— : — who will represent 1921 on the team. © ; : ; ati RRR BEN A SHORTER SHORTHAND SYSTEM ' : 4 ? IN What Is Research? - TEN: EASY LESSONS. This course covers ten easy lessons which will enable the Student, Professor, Journal- ist, Doctor, Lawyer or anyone seeking a * professional career, to-go thru. life with 100 UPPOSE that a stove burns too much coal for the amount of heat that it radiates. The manufacturer hires a man familiar _ with the principles of combustion .and heat radiationto make = experiments which will indicate desirable changes in.design. The stove per cent. efficiency. . - : ae selected as the most efficient is the result of research. THIS COURSE Fock 73 Sanne “Is short and inexpensive, and is given ° ee Suppose that you want to make $ ruby = s oe » ao, with a money back guarantee if not satisfied. mnitation, but a real ruby, indistingu ishable by any ¢ — ot “SEND THIS CLIPPING TODAY . physical test from the natural stone. You bégin by analyzing rubies : al chemically and physically. Then you try to make rubies just as PYRAMID PRESS: PUBLISHERS nature did, with the same chemicals and under similar conditions. 1416 Broadway, Your rubies are the result'of research—research of a different type New York City. ‘ _ from that required to improve the stove. Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith is $5.00 for which kindly send me your ‘short-: Suppose, as you melted up your chemicals to produce rubies and © hand course in ten easy lessons by mail. ae . ., experimented with high temperatures, you began to wonder how hot It is understood that at the end of five the earth must have been millions of years ago when rubies were first a. I am not og my: money will crystallized, and what were the forces at play that made this planet gladly refun | : what it is. You begin an investigation that leads you far from rubies Name Ee and causes you to formulate theories to explain how the earth, and, for that matter, how the whole solar system was created. That would be research of a still different type—pioneering into the ‘tinknown to satisfy an insatiable curiosity. Reselirch of all three types is conducted in the ciate of the General Electric Company. But it is the third type of research— You Have Written Poems! ' . eat pioneering into the unknown—that means most, in the long run, even Do you‘ care to have them revised or| , : though-it is —e with no practical benefit in view. Street - » City and State —<—<_£ constructively criticised by successful au= thors? If you do, then ‘send us your manu- At tlie wena time, ne example, the Research Laboratories of the script (stories, articles or poems). We General Electric Company are exploring matter with X-rays in order will criticise, and place them should they to discover not only how the atoms in different substances are Prove to be acceptable for publication. arranged but how the atoms themselves are built up. The more you DR pit ireland: seniaaee tea tteag | know about a substance, the more you can do with it. Some day this ices. If, however, you have not previously ‘ ee : enrolled with the advisory department of 5 X-ray work will enable scientists to answer more definitely than they this association, we request that you enclose boleh can now the question: Why is iron magnetic? And then the elec- the initial fee of two dollars, which .we - trical industry: will take a great step forward, and more real. progress’ _ must ask of each new contributor. There will.be made in five years than can be made in a century of experi- -i® no additional expense, no future obliga-|_ 2 menting with existing, ¢ electrical apparatus. tion It must be realized: that -we..can_ost- * D ae, ee ‘a7 You-cans.—. ““yatland stories to an old house. ~But to build a of aid to those of serious intent. If you | new house. rane begin with the foundation. Po oe do mean to strive for literary success, we can help you in many ways. Our services are yours until we have actually succeeded| . Sse! General Electric ' Please enclose return postage with your i i=. SOMmMURLCATIONS. 2 oe hate’ bie anaes! Office Com an P Schenectady, N. Ys aie « National Literary Association | ’ ne : 131 West 39th St., oy Fee ss a Se ee : ; ‘oS : 96-879eA) Beams om ~ i se f oe ¥ Gi Shak Soe ; ¢ erat AIS Son