: pa . . : ¢ ; o 6 vs ° ‘THE ‘COLLEGE NEWS. — a & ° DRIVE THIS WEEK TO SWELL Nae HOUSE FUND BY $1000 © Financial Situation Crucial Honine to achieve a goal of $1000; ‘the Bates. House Committee, on Monday, launched a dRive’ for méney to run the}! vacation house’ next ‘summer in -additions to the “pledges from the Christian Associa- tion. At least this amount must be ob- tained if Bates House is, to be run.at all. Last year-it was open for ten weeks, but| . because of the lack of support from the .. college it will only be attempted for six weeks this summer. Four-minute . speeches at some of the “. lower team gymnasium classes and at folk daricing classes afé being made during the _week by. A. Smith. I. Reinhgsdt Cas rison, P. Smith, A. Nicoll, M. P. Kirkland | and-H.-Simkhovitch, all-of whom have beer to Bates. Pledge slips were distributed Monday night in the halls and yesterday, and today contributions and pledges were taken in Taylor, Further. dondtions may be given to W. Worcester, chairman of the committee. e PLAN FOR. GIFT TO SORBONNE DESCRIBED BY MISS SCHENCK Bryn. Mawr will supply the library of the Sorbonne with American books. if the fund described by Miss Schenck, Professor of « French, in chapel, Wednesday morning, can be gained. The idea has been approved: by the alum- . mae and Board of Directors, The Bryn Mawr Service Corps has-given $2000, and it ‘only remains, according to Miss Schenck, ‘to interest the undergraduates. The library of the Sorbonne, ,Miss Schenck said, has almost no American books. In 1918, as a natural result of the war, a department of _ American: civilization and literature was opened, and Professor Cestre, a Harvard , graduate student and exchange professor, called to its head.. A meagre collection of “old history, poétry, economic:and: sociolog- ical books was made. Now when there is a vety great demand for books of Amer- ican literature, all the educational -appro- priation money in- France has to go to the rebuilding of destroyed schoolhouses: “ As a member of the committee, Miss Schenck guaranteed that if the fund can be established, ‘each year, a collection of carefully chosen and recent books can go across t6 this department of eager students, that the administration of this fund will be as economical: as possible, and_ that : the authors will be. asked to contribute their own books whenever feasible. Al- ready Vachel Lindsay has sent a set of his with invaluable comments. on. each. ‘The reasons for supporting this plan are obvious. The Sorbonne has always been most generous to American students and, - at this time anything that can express the sympathy of the American people for France is well worth while. have a chance to contribute,” Miss Schenck _ concluded, “when’ the French Club makes its drive.. Give*what you.can @ an expres- sion of broad sympathy from Bryn Mawr.” CALENDAR ‘Friday, March 4. Lecture by Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst, suffrage leader. _ Saturday, March 5 ~ . 815 P. M=—Chinese entertainment in the gymnasium under the auspices of the . Chinese Famine Fund Committee, . Sunday, March b 6.00 P.M —Vespers: 7.30 P. M.—Chaz * _« "Albert Parker* Fitch, D.D., Professor of History of Religion. at Amherst College. : Monday, March 7 ° 15 P. M—Third Team Apparatus Meet. a oes 7.30 P.M—Dr. Fenwick will give his talk on “Currents Events” in Taylor Hall. Thursday, March 10 sie P. M;=Faculty Tea:for the Grad-}a uate int Rucketetier: Hatt’ “Vou will all. y iy tie Rev, — & ‘| OREADOLF MEYER: SPEAKS.OF WORK | DONE’ IN PSYCHIATRY 7 AT PHIPPS Shows Slides of. Institute © Psychiatry at Phipps Institute was de-|. Scribed by Br, Adolf Meyer, Psychiatrist in Chief of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, in a lecture Wednesday evening, in ‘Taylor Hall. The lecture was the third on mod- ern social problems given, under the*au- spices of the World. Citizenship Committee. The treatment of a patient, as explained iby Dy. Meyer, begins with the working-out and understanding of formative eyents-in |’ his life. Wholesome elements are sought out and encouraged, while the destructive |’ are eliminaged , as far as possible untfl_the patient is able to regain his proper balance {2ox,J and_srasp_of_mind ditions in people have been traced. to men- tal events in past life and=have-been cured in this way. Moreover, according to Dr. Meyer, 10. per cent. of all school children wwould benefit by psychiatric attention: Dr. Meyer next sketched the course of study for a psychiatric student, and: stated the wide“field of advantages of psychiatry, both for research and teaching. try “embraces and. shéds light on the very foundations of philosophy and the springs of the life of the race; it should be the basis of study for all medical students,” said Dr. Meyer. Speaking also’ of the modern euildink of the institute, Dr.. Meyer listed ‘the accom- modations and showed plans. and slides. Besides.the, laboratories, dispensary and wards, some of which are divided into pseudo-rooms, the rooms for the use of patients not always in bed, are made as attractive as possible. There are provided a cloister and garden, gymnasium, library, recreation rooms with stage and organ, and occupation rooms with opportunities for weaving, basketry, bookbinding and other handcrafts intended to encourage patients to-an ordinary ‘state-of mind. NEW AND OLD ITALIAN CLUB MEMBERS TO SEE PICTURES At the invitation of Miss.Robins, teacher of English at the Shipley School, members of the Italian Club, both new and okd_will see someItalian pictures and curios tomor- |. row and Friday evening, at 7.30, at Low Buildings. Miss Robins, who has-a villa in Italy, brought back Italian posters and]. - sonnets sold in the streets of Siena. Seventeen -students-are eligible for mem- bership in the club which was started re- cently by the present Major Italian Class. Mrs. Samuel Chew (Lucy Evans, ’18), who attends the Major Italian Class, has been invited to join also. G. Lubin, ’21; D Lubin, ’21, and V. Liddell, ’22, have been admitted to, the club.. on their speaking knowledge of Italian. Those who are eligible,, = attained low credit in two ‘semesters or credit in one of the Minor Italian course, are: TI. Maginnis, ’21; G. Rhoads, ’22; A. Wood- ruff, ’22; E. Rogers, ’22; E. Burns, ’22; K. Cowen, ’21; A...Gable, ’22; -M. Krech, 22: 1 Benet 23; E. Child, ’23; K. Gold- smith, ’23; A.-Howell, ’23; H. Humphreys, '23; A. Orbison, ’22; R. Raley, ’23; H. | Rice, ’23, and E. Scott, ’23. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS OFFERED FOR REVIEW OF WELL’S a Article Must Reach New York March 4 The- Macnfillan Company -is offering a prize of $100 for the best rhymed. review of Well’s “Outline of History.” The re- ‘views mist * or 500 words, and must be typewritten on one side of the sheet. rated. They are: “To read this book is in itself : a liberal education,” The Nation; “The most suc- Hf cessful book of a aroat many __seasons,”: Chicago Evening se ‘and “This i is, indeed, eee “Psychia- b pot mpre than sixty dines |... Three critical opinions. “must be incorpo- JEAN NETT" Ss Bryn Mawr é Wayne Flower Shop Cut Flowers ind Plants F real Daily _ Corsage and Floral Baskets Old Fashioned Bouquets a Specialty — Potted Plants—Persona) supervision on all orders 807 Lancaster Ave. COMPLIMENTS OF THE . bak Mawr Theatre Photoplays of Distinction for 7S Diserintuniating Pec Peopie W: S. HASSINGER, Prop. Phone, Bryn Mawr 570 PHONE 758; : HENRY B. WALLACE CATERER AND CONFECTIONER - LUNCHEONS AND TEAS BRYN MAWR “PINECROFT”’ THE ART SHOP “MRS. M. R. YERKES 812 OLD LANCASTER ROAD» JOHN-J. McDEVITT —— Preerams —* PRINTING “=: Tickets + Letter Heads Anhouncements Booklets, etc. Bryn Mavwr, Pa. 1145 Lameaster Ave. Cards and Gifts for all occasions THE GIFT SHOP 814 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. WILLIAM T. McINTYRE GROCERIES, MEATS AND . PROVISIONS ARDMORE, OVERBAOOK, NARBERTA ' BRYN MAWR AVENUE Afternoon Tea and Luncheon ~ COTTAGE TEA ROOM Montgomery Ave., Bryn Mawr e Everything dainty and delicious D/N. ROSS fpesere) ML EA. Instructor in” Ph cy and Materia ” Medica, and Director ‘of the Pharmaceu- tical Laboratory at Bryn Mawr Hospital. BAST MAN’S KODAKS AND FILMS DELICIOUS BANANA UNDA ES PLITS The Bryn Mawr “Confectionery 848 Lancaster Avenue A complete line of Home Made Candies—always fresh Delicious Home Made Pies — John J. Connelly Estate ., The;Main Line Florists 1226 LANCASTER AVE., -~“Rosemont, Pa. c= @ Te HARCUM SCHOOL FOR. GIRLS—BRYN MAWR, PA. For Girls wanting college preparation a thorough ” opurse is off ce ‘ "Por Girls not going to college the sehool offers ea opports —. to pursue studies sulted to For Girls desing 0 tot ize in Music eas Art, ° there are well kno’ as instructors Yn Bryn Maw, ir “sensed talk cow ten Philadel sane oe phia. New sto! rooms with puivate bath, home e iife, large - Fees. = posen:. ste basket ball, one (Pupil of Leschetizky), Head of the School Miss M. G. Bartlett, Ph. D. Associate Heads of Mis:8.M. Beach, Ph. D. ' the School Whittendale Riding Academy Good Saddle Horses, Hunters .and Polo Ponies for Hire. ’ Riding’ taught by competent instructors. 22 N. Merion Ave., Bryn Mawr bats Furs oi ANNE SUPLEE Frances Cooper GOWN SHOP (Second floor) 32 BRYN MAWR AVE. (ab. McIntyre’s) ‘We stamp your dress creations with the in- dividuality demanded in the season’s mode, SOMETHINGINEW EVERY DAY. SALSEMAN’S a WAISTjand GARMENT SHOP | 1008 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. WAISTS, DRESSES, SKIRTS, SILK UNDERWEAR: Our line of Tailored Waists are adopted by AU Schools and Colleges... Telephone, Bry Mawr262% inp = ROBIN HOOD SUNDAE Footer’s Dye Works AMERICA’S|BIGGEST and BEST CLEANERS and DYERS » OFFICE ANE PLANT, a CUMBERLAND, Mb. < PHILADELPHIA BRANCH | 1118 Chestnut Street E. M. FENNER . Ice Cream, Frozen Fruits and Ices — Fine and Fancy Cakes, Confections Bryn Mawr (Telephone) ST. MARY'S LAUNDRY ~ ARDMORE, PA.~ | Ardmere |THE BRYN MAWR TRUST co. _ -GAPITAL, $250,000 DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS _ ALLOWS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS ‘CARS To HIRE - Friday, March 11 | 5 Selon March 4, will be aes -B. : Buick and Paige Telephone hncamates eid 4.15. FP. M.—First Team Gymnasium _ Meet. Maurice, former editor of the Bookman, Agency => Brym Mawr too Repair Parte Preliminaries. -«"-"™ — _|and Marguerite Wilkinson. Reviews should|{}-- —— : a . eo The sent the publishers, 64 Fifth Avenue, Be: 330 P, M—Prsinary ‘Syrimmnusig Meet. tw “Fork.” | ¥ i ~~