WHERE TO SHOP 2 This Superb TAILLEUR of TRICOTINE with Coat Border of Embroidery $75 Designed by RUSSEKS As PREMIER EXPO- NENTS OF THE ART OF FASHION, RUSSEKS ARE AGAIN TO THE FORE WITH THE MOST REPRESENTATIVE OF ALL THAT’S NEW AND DIFFERENT IN TAIL- LEURS FOR THE SPRING SEASON. ees BOLEROS AND LTONS WHICH FITTINGLY IN- ' TERPRET THE SOURCE OF THEIR INSPIRATION— SLENDER LONG-COAT TAILLEURS OF GRACEFUL LINE—JAUNTY MODELS OF MANNISH MODE AND DISTINCTIVE SUITS WITH SMART EMBROIDERY. $75.00 WRITE FOR STYLE FOLDERS THE COLLEGE NEWS HAVE YOU EXECUTIVE ABILITY and a desire to SEE EUROPE without expense? Write, stating why you sheuld be chesen. F William W. Grace, 1020 Little Building, Boston 11, Mass. WALNUT 170 L. Stone Co. _| MODES—INEXPENSIVELY STYLISH THIRTEEN Stx WALNUT PHILADELPHIA LITERARY ASSISTANCE We ex'end expert service to debaters, speakers, frate:- nity members, writers. We have hel thou-and. on their special subjects or themes, is set Vice is ren dered at moderate charge quite promptly. Write us your specific needs, and secure our terms, with list of endo sements from numerous pat-ons. Authors Research Bureau, 500 Fifth Ave., New York Phone: Wain :t 1320 Footer’s Dye Works 118 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. Offer their pations Superio: Service in CLEANING AND DYEING Suppers. ' Committee Room at the service of Friends. Apply AMELIA D. FEATHERSTONE Matron J. F. CALDWELL & CO. . Chestnut and Juniper Streets Philadelphia : Goldsmiths Silversmiths Jewelers o AN UNIQUE STOCK THAT SATISFIES THE MOST DISCRIMINATING TASTE go Prompt and careful attention to purchases by mail | ‘ Sampler Sundae Soda Counter rl. W. DERBY & CO. 13th Street at Sanrom Women’s Shoes and Hosiery Exclusively H. W. DERBY & CO. 13th Stieet at Sans: m VND 1D nak se AE ES 2 TY 9, le, SOY TE TOTO To Shop at the Lilla Gown Shop Is to Keep in Touch With the Newest Creations in Dresses Direct From America’s Fashion Centre! Jason Q_BECAUSE we carry only a limited line, our stock is moving at all times qTut S you are assured of the fr. she st con- ceptions « f the dressmaker’'s art Q_ NEITHER are you obliged to buy, so don't hesitate to come often, as vou'll ALWAYS see something new Made to Order Philadelphia ALLI NSONS g Silks de Luxe are :— INDESTRUCTIBLE VOILE PUSSY WILLOW In plain colors and new prints KHAKI-KOOI ROSHANARA CREPE (All trade-mark names) Departments and Class Shops The name MALLINSON on the selvage marks the genuine “*The New Silks First'’ Madison Aveaue—3let Streee, NEW YORK For Out-Doors and In-Doors are the invariable first choice for the girl who appreciates character, style and quality. The silk inspirations for 1920 DEW-KIST KUMSI-KUMSA DREAM CREPE FISHER-MAID NEWPORT CORD KLIMAX-SATIN CHINCHILLA SATIN THISLDU By the yard at the best Silk Departments— in wearing apparel at the better Garment H. R. MALLINSON & CO., Inc.