a CHICAGO’S TASK NEARLY HALF ACCOMPLISHED Telegraphing and writing in to the Endowment Office in Taylor Hall last week, eleven local endowment districts of the country have made reports on the progress of the campaign to date. Over $96,000 has been collected by the Chicago district from Bryn Mawr alum- nae and their families. The second hun- dred thousand of the Chicago quota will be elicited from the general public. A list of potential donors has been prepar- ed by Grace Douglas Johnston (Mrs. Morris L. Johnston), ’02, and Alta Ste- vens Cameron (Mrs. Anson Cameron), ’09, and teams of canvassers are ready to spring out when the signal is given John McCutcheon, a well-known car- toonist, husband of Evélyn Shaw Mc- Cutcheon, ’14, has made a cartoon which is being used as a poster for the drive, and other posters and buttons are being prepared and placed all over the city in busses and shops. Julia Thompson, ex- 10, dressed in a bright yellow smock and seated on a ladder, is painting a Bryn Mawr advertisement on a very promi- nent wall opposite the Rush Street bridge. Her subject is a girl in a cap and gown holding up a lighted lantern, and under her the slogan, “Bryn Mawr College Looking for $2,000,000.” The same design is used on the buttons. Cut Toys for Endowment A Bryn Mawr Toy Shop hasbeen or- ganized in Winnetka, Illinois, at the res- idence of Carmelita Chase Hinton (Mrs. Sebastian Hinton), ’12, where the Bryn Mawr women of Winnetka and their husbands work, cutting out and painting bright-colored toys, which are to be sold at a counter in Stevens’ department store in Chicago during the drive. TOTAL FOR CALIFORNIA $3,401 At a preliminary campaign meeting of the Bryn Mawr Club of Northern Cali- fornia, $3350 was reported already pledg- ed by individual subscriptions,—which, with the $51 reported from headquarters, makes the total from that district $3,401. SCHOOLS Piano Instruction MARY VIRGINIA DAVID Seven years of European stu with Mozxow- sxy, Joser Lutvinne and Wacrer Swarne Head of Music Department in Mme. Marty’s Schoe (Paris) 1913 Paris CONSERVATOIRE (SOLF£GE) and LescueT1zkY Principles Taught Cor. Franklin and Montgomery Aves. Rosemont Phone, Bryn Mawr 7156 W THE HARCUM SCHOOL FOR GIRLS—BRYN MAWR, PA. For Girls college preparation a thorough course is For destring to to Muste and Mag — bpd - 4b —4 - in Bryn . the Pioue baling from stone bath home life Stat Eee da teks MRS. EDITH HATCHER HARCUM, BLL. (Pupil of Leschetisky), Head of the School Miss M. G. Bartiets, Ph. D. i Amogiats Beads of Mie 8. M. Beach, Ph. D. duced early in April as a feature of the Bryn Mawr Endowment Campaign, by the New Haven committee. During April | the New Haven workers will also pro- duce a moving-picture film for children, and on May 8 will give a ball, after the baseball game between Yale and Brown CAMPAIGN NOTES A wireless message was sent by the Amateur Radio League, in Boston, through a brother of a Bryn Mawr alumna, to Mrs. Jarrett, National Pub- licity Chairman, to express willingness to help in the campaign. The Philadelphia district placed a full-page advertisement in the program of the Philadelphia Symphony Concert on March 12 and 13. This advertisement featured an extract from Mr. Hoover's letter to Miss Taft. The Endowment Committee working at Rye, N. Y., reports between $125 and $150 raised at a Mardi Gras ball. $3,000 FROM NEW ENGLAND From New England comes word of $30,000 raised to date in subscriptions. The “Alice in Wonderland” movies in New England are being managed by M.. Martin, ’19, and Mr. Joseph Lindon Smith is designating the lantern which will hang outside the Local Endowment headquarters. York company complete, will be pro- “Alice in Wonde will be given for the benefit of the Bryn . Mawr Endowment, at Carnegie Hall, New York, on the afternoon of April 5, at 3.30 o’clock. A news film showing Bryn Mawr buildings will precede this movie. Similar performances are to be given in different cities all over the coun- try. NEW YORK’S AIM $1,000,000 The New York district, up to March 10, had raised a total of $124,436, of which $101,241 was from the alumnae, $17,695 from donors, and $5500 from un- dergraduates. To increase this amount to their quo- ta of $1,000,000, the canvassers are hold- ing weekly meetings, at the first of which Mr. James Craft, of the Guarantee Trust, spoke on salesmanship. Mr. Guy Emer- son, father of the Liberty Loan public- ity, is to speak at another meeting, $3200 FROM INDIANA Indiana wired in yesterday the report of $3200 subscribed so far; $350 of this amount was raised as the proceeds of a dance. MICHIGAN DISTRICT AT WORK Ten individual subscriptions of Bryn Mawr women and their relatives have raised $1381, to date, for the Michigan district; $200 more is promised There are 28 Bryn Mawr women in Michigan, 11 of whom are alumnae. ‘To Give “Atlantic City Boardwalk” The St. Louis committee of the Bryn Mawr Endowment believes that it has exhausted its field for individual dona- tions in raising its first quota of $15,000, jand is depending upon features and en- tertainments for raising the extra $10,- 000 which it has accepted. Bryn Mawr alumnae have combined with the alumnae of Smith College and Washington University, St. Louis, to give, from April 5 to 15, a large joint fair, entitled “The Atlantic City Board- walk.” They expect that this will ne; them getween $60,000 and $90,000 which is to be divided equally among the three colleges. Emily Westwood Lewis (Mrs. Joseph W. Lewis), graduate stu- cent '98-’99, chaiman of the program com- mittee, has already cleared $7000 on ad- vertisements. The advance publicity has been managed by Edna Fischel Gell- horn (Mrs. George Gellhorn), ’00. Philadelphia Drive Opened Monday Twenty Philadelphia alumnae in caps and gowns patrolled the city Monday and Tuesday to paste Bryn Mawr post- ers on the windshields of automobiles and in shop-windows. The posters have the words, “Bryn Mawr Endowment,” above a life-sized picture of a lantern. $65,500 has been raised towards the Pennsylvania quota, which is half a mil- lion. — B. Altman & Cn. NEW YORK HAVE ARRANGED TO HOLD A FASHION EXHIBIT AT THE MONTGOMERY INN BRYN MAWR, PA. ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY MARCH 22» AND 23» The selections include Frocks, Suits, Coats, Hats, Blouses and all the essentials of dress FOR MISSES AND YOUNG WOMEN INSPECTION IS CORDIALLY INVITED