For Thirty Years HIGH-GRADE COLLEGE PRINTING to the various educational institutions of the country in the form of Class Records, Catalogs, Programs, Circu- lars, Etc. Our facilities for printing and binding are unsurpassed, and we solicit your patronage. THE JOHN C. WINSTON COMPANY 1006-1016 ARCH STREET PHILADELPHIA on ’Phone, Bryn Mawr 300. "Robert A. Cotter has Ford Touring | Cars for Hire, by the hour or trip, | PHONE SPRUCE 374 Albert LZ. Wagner - Ladies Hair Dresser Ondulation Marcel : Permanent Wave : Hair Dyeing of Friends. cand Tinting ? Hatr Goods Manicuring : Facial Apply | Massage : Violet Rays : Hot-Oil Shampoo AMELIA D. FEATHERSTONE 7 16th St., above Walnut Philadelphia Sates . esse J. E. CALDWELL & CO. L ‘ Stone Co. Chestnut and Juniper Streets MODES—INEXPENSIVELY STYLISH Philadelphia THIRTEEN Six’ WALNUT Goldsmiths Silversmiths PHILADELPHIA Jewelers One en above Walnut St. 0 HATS and AN UNIQUE STOCK THAT SATISFIES THE - CCl 1 € BLOUSES MOST DISCRIMINATING TASTE 141 S, Fifteenth St. Philadelphia : . Prompt and careful attention to purchases by mail Phone: Walnut 1329 Footer’s Dye Works 1118 Chestnut Street ee Pa. Offer their patrons Superior Service in CLEANING AND DYEING Humpty Dumpty Sundae Soda Counter NoficE She dances tong and ee who dancesiin MA Silks NEO ONS For out-door and in-door occasions, these are the silk inspirations! INDESTRUCTIBLE VOILE PUSSY WILLOW DEW-KIST’ In plain colors and new fen : LEX KUMSI-KUMSA DREAM CREPE SHER-MAID -s NEWPORT CORD KHAKI-KOOL THIS > LDU ay KLIMAX-SATIN CHINCHILLA SATIN® ROSHANARA CREPE (All trade-mark names) By the yard at the best Silk Departments—in wearing 4 A ds apparel at the better Garment Departments‘ y and Class Shops The name MALLINSON on the selvage marks the genuine H. R. MALLINSON & Co,, INC, G “The ~ New Silks First’’ Madison Ave.— 3iet Street NEW YORK Franklin Simon & Co. A Store of Individual Shops FIFTH AVENUE, 37th and 38th Sts., NEW YORK . MONDAY Marcu 15th For Women Suits, Coats, Shoes, WILL EXHIBIT AT THE MONTGOMERY INN Bryn Mawr, Pa. Newest Spring Apparel Wraps, Tailored Dresses, Afternoon and Evening Gowns d Sweaters Riding Habits, Underwear, Negligees, Etc. An extensive variety of styles appropriate for College Women AT MODERATE PRICES TUESDAY | Marcu 16th 1 and Misses Waists, Skirts, Sport Apparel