Deen E eS ae ee according to Frederica de Laguna, the ox NEWS RIVALLED | Major Arthur Biles, fate - British ad-| pila ana Seen A. combined journalistic and literary publication has made its first appear- ance at the Phebe Ann Thorne Model School. It is to be issued twice a month Editor-in-chief. The first number, which appeared last week, predicts interesting matter for the future. Besides . several clever poems, it contains a well-written review of the Faculty Concert. In the Editorial Column the history of the paper is brief- ly outlined, as the “combined work, after rival attempts in the past, of classes IV and V to maintain a paper with literary selections.’ Any student may contribute. The students came over to the college to mimeograph the first issue, but later on they hope to have their own print- ing press. At present the greatest prob- lem before the editors is an appropriate name for the paper; the whole school is to vote on the matter soon. The members of the editorial board are: Frederica de Laguna ...Editor-in-chief Mira Folwell ... 0c cccsices Editorials TP AGE ois cb dd betes News Ruth McVitty ......-...s000+s Literary Dorothes Waves oki. cco ccecaes Jokes PLANS FOR SEMESTER DISCUSSED AT C. A. CABINET MEETING Would Give Board Members Working Knowledge of Association Eleven members on the board and board chairmen of important committes are part of the new scheme of organiza- tion outlined at the meeting of C. A. Cabinet held last Thursday evening in Denbigh. M. Carey, ’20, President of the associa- tion, explained a form of organization that would make the board members ex- ecutives on committees. Each member of the board, except the President and Freshman member, would be assigned to one of the most important standing com- mittees of which she would automatical- ly become chairman. The other commit- tees would unite in electing other rep- tesentatives on the board. The Fresh- man member elected after Christmas would become secretary. Thus without lessening class representation the board would obtain a working and not a the- oretical knowledge of the association it was governing. Faculty Tea for Graduates. The first of three teas given by the faculty to the graduate students was held this afternoon in Radnor. Hall Members of the faculty who received were Dean Smith, Professor and Mrs Sanders, Professor and Mrs. Barnes, and Professor Schenck. CALENDAR Friday, February 13. 4:30 p.m. Lecture by Miss Czoplicka in Taylor Hall. Marie 8:00 p. m. Moving Pictures in the Gymnasium. Sunday, February 15. 6:00 p. m. Vespers. Mar- Speaker, garet Dunn, ’23. . day evening, 8:00 p.m. Chapel. Sermon by Dr. Jos. Krauskopf, Rabbi of Keneseth Is-| rael Hebrew Congregation, Phila. Wednesday, February |8. 7:30 p. m. Bible Class in Room F, ministrator of Cologne under the occu-]| pation, will speak in Taylor Hall, Fri-| February 20, on. Myth of German Intellectual Superior- ity.” The lecture, which will be under the auspices of the History Club, will show that “the brains that won the war can preserve the fruits of victory.” Before the war, Major Bles was a well-known English editor, artist and lecturer. In August, 1914, he raised in Paris, Major Bles’ Rough Riders, com- posed of 70 per cent. American volun- teers. Although Major Bles is little known in America, he is considered the best lecturer in the British army. In ad- dition to his work in the trenches and his duties as Town Major of Roubaix, and later as British Administrator in Cologne, he delivered 408 lectures to of- ficers and men during the last two years of war. Major Bles’ lecture tour in the Unit- ed States is under the auspices of a com- mittee headed by the Prince of Wales, and including such men .as_ Premier Clemenceau, Marshal Foch and Field “Marshal Haig. EVENS BOOST CLASS MORALE Will Hold Even Class Council. Reproducing the College Council on a smaller scale, the Seniors and Sopho- mores have instituted an “Even Class Council” which will hold its first sitting tomorrow. Representatives serving on the Council will be the officers of the two classes, and the hall representatives. Topics listed for discussion are: “What is your. class contributing to Bryn Mawr?”; “Why be athletic?”; “Why don’t we sing well?”; “The advantages of hall organization;” and “Class parties—how many, and of what kind.” Revive Even Class Book. “Rules of etiquette for every college occasion” are being worked out and tab- ulated by the class officers of 1920 and 1922, who are rewriting thes “Even Class Book.” The odd classes have never had such an institution, but the evens have kept it for many years, handing down the book from Senior to Sophomore president. This year the book is being thoroughly revised, and will contain such headings as; “do’s and don'ts” for Freshmen; an outline of the class business for the whole year; list of songs needed for every occasion, etc. WOMAN EXPLORER HERE FRIDAY Miss Czoplicka to Talk on “With the Na- tives of Siberia” “With the Natives of Siberia” will be the subject of a lecture illustrated with lantern slides, to be given by Miss Marie Czoplicka, Polish explorer and Oxford University lecturer, in Taylor Hall, Friday afternoon at 4.30. . Miss Czoplicka headed, in 1914-15, an anthropological expedition to the Yene- sei Valley, in Siberia, and has written a book on the subject, called “My Sibe- rian Year.” “Besides being an expert in her subject,” says one critic, “Miss Czoplicka has the gifts of popular ex- position and vivid description. She com- bines in a rare manner the insight and sympathy of the artist with the knowl- edge and accuracy of the scholar.” OPPORTUNITY OFFERED FOR SUMMER IN SPAIN The Committee of International Re- lations of the Carnegie Institute is plan- Taylor, Dr. Theodore F. Greene, Speak- |ning to take seventy-five students’ to er. x Friday, February 20. 7:30 p. m. Bles, Taylor Hall. Sunday, February 22. 8:00 p. m. Chapel. Sermon by Dr. Rufus Jones of the Board of Directors | of Bryn Mawr College. | places, | the University of Madrid under the su- | pervision of the Minister of Education. | spend the summer at the University of | Madrid. Lecture by Major Arthur) Spain, visiting historical and interesting The students will travel over and will take special courses at Expenses for the whole trip, including | travelling, board, laundry, etc., are $750. “Th e ’ Cul Piers ead Plans Frc Dl Corsage and Floral Baskets Old Fashioned Bouquets « Specialty Phene, Bryn Mawr 570 807 Lancaster Ave. FRANCIS B. HALL HABIT AND BREECHES MAKER Pico yw borg coal Lancaster Ave, 9 Sisees West of Post Offes, _ "ina Seon, Potted Plants—Personal supervision on all orders Red Lodge Tea Room and Gift Shop Breakfasts, Luncheons, Teas and Suppers—Phone 152 9 A.M.—7 P.M. OLD LANCASTER ROAD AND BRYN MAWR AVE. PHONE 758 HENRY B. WALLACE CATERER AND CONFECTIONER LUNCHEONS AND TEAS BRYN MAWR BRINTON BROTHERS FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES Lancaster and Merion Avenues, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Orders Delivered. We aim to please you. JOHN J. McDEVITT PRINTING 1011 Lancaster Ave. Programs Bill Heads Tickets Letter Heads Announcements Booklets, etc. Bryn Mawr, Pa. UNUSUAL GIFTS GREETING CARDS | DECORATIVE TREATMENTS Will Always Be Found at THE GIFT SHOP 814 W. Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Afternoon Tea and Luncheon COTTAGE TEA ROOM Montgomery Ave., Bryn Mawr Everything dainty and delicious D. N. ROSS (Phatmecy Instructor in Pharmacy and Materia Medica, and Director of the Pharmaceu- tical Laboratory at Bryn Mawr Hospital. EASTMAN’S KODAKS AND FILMS ) a WILLIAM T. McINTYRE GROCERIES, MEATS AND PROVISIONS ARDMORE, OVERBROOK, NARBERTH BRYN MAWR AVENUE Phone Connection: WILLIAM L. HAYDEN Builders and Housekeeping HARDWARE Paints : Oils, : Glass Cutlery Ground § Locksmithing-: ____ Lawn Mowers Repaired and Sharpened, 838 Lancaster Avenue} Bryn Mawr,jPa. Bryn Mawr 170 M. Doyle, Mar. THE FRENCH SHOP 814 LANCASTER AVE. Bryn Mawr, Pa. SMART GOWNS MADE TO ORDER DISTINCTIVE REMODELING. E. M. FENNER Ice Cream, Frozen Fruits and Ices Fine and Fancy Cakes, Confections Bryn Mawr Bryn Mawr National Bank The BRYN MAWR, PA. Foreign Exchange and Travelers’ Checks Sold 3 Per Cent on Saving Fund Accounts. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent, $3, $5 and $8 per Year. (Telephone) Ardmore ST. MARY'S LAUNDRY THE BRYN MAWR TRUST CO. CAPITAL, $250,000 DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ALLOWS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT PHILIP HARRISON WALK-OVER BOOT SHOPS Complete line of] Ladies’ Shoes and Rubbers 818 Lancaster Ave. John J. Connelly Estate The Main Line Florists 1226 LANCASTER AVE., Rosemont, Pa, Telephone, Bryn Mawr 252W M. M. GAFFNEY LADIES’ AND GENTS’ FURNISHINGS DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS PosT OFFICE BLOCK CARS TO HIRE Buick and Paige Telephone Accessories and Agency Bryn Mawr 600 Repair Parts Electrical and Machine Work our Specialty MADDEN’S GARAGE ancaster Pike, opposite P. R. R. Station Bryn Maw? AND TYPEWR Through the College News Agent Start the new semester with a Typewriter BUY A CORONA ITER SUPPLIES This Coupon »2!%:°%'kttn Free New CORONA $s