Hardy, H. Zinsser, D. Rogers; 1921, E. ‘Cope, M. Goggin, H. James, E. Kimbrough, 8S. Marbury, L. Reinhardt, H. Rubel, M. Smith, J. Spurney, E. Taylor; 1922, C. Baird, F. Bliss, G. Rhoads, M. Speer, E. Titcomb, Fung Kei Liu '22 attended the Conference with the foreign delegation. The Conference was directed by Mrs. Robert Speer, the mother of M. Speer ’22. Mrs. Speer was Emma Bailey ex-’94. The part of faith in the rebuilding of the world and the international aspect of Christianity formed the background of the problems brought up at the Confer- _ence. Among the most popular classes _were those given by the Rev. Warren S. Archibald and the Rev. James Gordon Gilkie. The chief series of addresses was delivered by Dr. Fosdick, who spoke at the last Bryn Mawr delegation meeting. A walk up Sunrise Mountain with Vas- sar and a picnic to which each Bryn Mawr member invited a guest from an- other delegation, were among the inci- dents of the Conference. In the “movies” taken of the Conference by the Y. W. C. A. a potential star was discovered in D. Rogers '20, who was featured in a “close- up” with 1922’s class doll, “Sally Silver Bay.” Second place in a narrowly contested Ri water meet went to the Bryn Mawr swim- : mers, who came out with 24 points to Smith’s 25. The Bryn Mawr basketball team reached the finals, where they again bowed to Smith with a score of _ 18-11. CAMPING TRIP REVEALS POKER FIENDS IN 1919 Hike Over Presidential Range Noisy poker games with boys at the same camp, mostly of 1922 Brown Col- lege, were a feature of 1919’s camping trip of sixteen, who gathered at Mrs. Howe's farm, Jackson, N. H., this Sep- tember, and silenced the doubting Thom- ases who had predicted that the reunion would never take place. A’ three-day hike over the Presidential range, after several shorter hikes, was the climax of the trip. The week's re- union broke up officially on the 15th, leav- ing behind, according to the report of one camper, “a handful of vamps, who simply couldn't leave the mountains with all their attractions.” : The sixteen loyal members of the green class were D. Peters, manager of the trip; , é E. Marquand, M. Butler, K. Outerbridge, I, Whittier, M. Janeway, R. Reinhardt, A. 4 Blue, R. Hamilton, A. Landon, C. Taussig, ‘ E. Macrum, B. Sorchan, F. Clarke, G, : Woodbury, and F. Howell. : CALENDAR Wednesday, October 1 8.45 a. m.—Chapel. Opening of the thirty-fourth academic year. Address by Pe President Taft. 4.20 p. m.—First hockey practice. q Thursday, October 2 7.30 p. m.—Parade Night. Saturday, October 4 9.00 a. m.—Language examinations for all undergraduates. 8.00 p. m.—Christian Association Re ception to the graduates and Freshmen. Saturday, October 11 e 9.00 a m—Senior examination : French. Junior language examination. 8.00 p. m—Social Service Committee Party. Saturday, October 18 9.00 a. m.—Senior examination in Ger man. Miss Dora Gray, a graduate of nagedl Scott College, who spent the summer at | Dedman, British graduate scholar at | Bryn Mawr. ' Miss Virginia Deems, direc- tor for the last three years, was at Bates for the Business Girls’ ‘Week. The regular Bryn Mawr workers were (three weeks) F. Beatty ‘19, H. Butten- wieser '20, (two weeks) E. Reis ’21, V. Diddell ’22, (one week) D. Jenkins ’20, L. Sloan '20, C. Garrison ’21, M. Goggin ’21, E. Newell ’21, E. Bliss ’21, W. Worcester ‘21, A. Taylor ’21, B. Warburg ’21, H. Rubel ’21, J. Flexner '21, M. Taylor '21 (chairman of Bates House Committee), F. Riker ’21, and C. La Boiteaux ’22 came up several times from the shore to help. (Continued from page 1, column 1.) Academic Year Opens Tomorrow Bryn Mawr alumne returning this year as graduate students are A. Martin ’15, A. Newlin ’18, M. Gilman ‘19, E. Mercer 19, H. Spalding '19, R. Woodruff ’19. The list ef Freshmen and new gradu- ates complete on going to press is: Rockefeller, 1928: R. Beardsley, IL. Baudrias, D. Burr, M. Chestnut, G. Drake, M. Dunn, I. Gates, K. Goldsmith, J. Hen- ning, F. Hughes, I. Jacobi, H. Kaseberg, F. Knox, 8. McDaniel, C. McLaughlin, F. Selligman, A. Sheble, B. Worcester, A. Yarnall. Graduates: Misses Harley, Flannery, Needham, Sinclair, Visserias. Pembroke West, 1923: L. Bennett, B. Buhler, A. Clement, H. Dunbar, E. Math- ews, D. Meserve, H. Scribner, H. Sher- man, K. Strauss, H. Wilson, F. Young. Graduates: Misses Barker, Knapp, Richards, Woodruff. Pembroke Hast, 1923: C. Goddard, H. Humphreys, B. Kilroy, M. Lawrence, M. Lomgyear, V. Miller, M. Morsman, E. Philbrick, H. Price, A. Shumway, M. von Hofsten. Graduates: Misses Gilman, Mercer, Newlin, Spalding. Denbigh, 1923: L. K. Bowers, F. Childs, H. Hagen, M. Holt, A. Howell, E. Hurd, BE. Kellogg, E. Page, K. Raht, H. Rice, 5S. Saunders, J. Schwarz, S. Thomas, E. Vin- cent, H. Wilson. Graduates: Misses Baechle, Chambry, Cobb, Dreyfous, Kuhn, Price, Smith, Souchere, Wang, Wood, Zrust. Merion, 1923: M. Adams, M. Brokaw, M. C. Carey, BE. Child, A. Fitzgerald, H. George, R. Geyer, A: Hay, H. Hoyt, F. Knox, F. Martin, L. Mills, R. Raley, J. Richards, A. Smith, D. Stewart, J. Ward, E. Wheeler. Radnor, 1923: L. Affelder, S, Archbald, L. Foley, BE. Gray, F. Harrison, M. Hus- sey, E. Jennings, E. Kinsolving, F. Mat- teson, R. McAneny, E. Rhoads. }raduafes: Misses Bailey, Carrol, Pat- rick, F. Penrose, M. Penrose, Sorbets. Martin, (Continued from page 1, column 4.) President Taft Goes to Europe with President Thomas During the ten days spent in Paris, Miss Thomas and President Taft dis- cussed with the officers of the American University Union, formed for the Ameri- can soldiers in France, plans for continu- ing the Union after the War and admit- ting women. Recently an invitation has been extended to the American College Women in Paris to join the Union, and it is hoped that the house formerly used by Mrs. Whitelaw Reid as a hostel for American artists in Paris, may be used for the American students of the Sor- bonne this winter. August was spent in travelling in Northern Italy. The food was poor and prices high, according to President Taft, while the ant!-American feeling prevented (Continued on page 2, column 2.) Old Fashioned Rew Spociay a Potted Plants—Personal supervision om all erdae Phone, Bryn Mawr 570 | HABIT AND BREECHES MAKER cptansing, Remodeling, Dry. 840; Lancaster avy t 3 en ey Post Office, ~~ itme~ PHONE 758 HENRY B. WALLACE CATERER AND CONFECTIONER LUNCHEONS AND TEAS BRYN MAWR BRINTON BROTHERS FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES Lancaster and Merion Avenues, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Orders Delivered. We aim to please you. JOHN J. McDEVITT oe PRINTING sccm. 1011 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. UNUSUAL GIFTS GREETING CARDS DECORATIVE TREATMENTS Will Always Be Found at THE GIFT SHOP 814 W. Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Afternoon Tea and Luncheos COTTAGE TEA ROOM Montgomery Ave., Bryn Mawr Everything dainty and delicious D. N. ROSS (Best's Instructor in Pharmacy and Materia . Medica, and Director of the Pharmaceu- tical Laboratory at Bryn Mawr Hospital. EAST MAN’S KODAES AND FILME 7) PRNNA 3 . | 807 Lancaster Ave: FRANCIS: B. HALL| The Studio year is divided into subdiiteanis’ . ber 1814 1g, danuary 8, sen, “Februry 100 to Preparatory to Bryn Mawr College BRYN MAWR, PENNSYLVANIA Principals Eleanor O, Brownell Alice G, Howland FOR ints RTH MAWR, PA. For Girls wanting college preparation ee ee Giris not going to college the school. offers ied wo their ate and noo oe At there are rel reilinown artistes instructors. MRS. EDITH HATCHER HARCUM, B.L. (Pupil of Leschetiziky), Head of the School Cornelia G. Harcum, Ph.D. Head of Academic Dep BRYN MAWR PENNSYLVANIA E. M. FENNER Ice Cream, Frozen Fruits and Ices Fine and Fancy Cakes, Confections Bryn Mawr Ardmere The Bryn Mawr National Bank BRYN MAWR, PA. Foreign Exchange and Travelers’ Checks Sold 3 Per Cent on Saving Fund Accounts. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent, $3, $5 and $8 per Year. WILLIAM T. McINTYRE GROCERIES, MEATS AND PROVISIONS ARDMORE, OVERBROOK, NARBERTH BRYN MAWR AVENUE (Telephone) THE BRYN MAWR TRUST CO. CAPITAL, $260,000 DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ALLOWS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT Start the new semester with a Weneuiues BUY A CORONA AND TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES Through the College News Agent entitles you to an Extra Spool of Ribbon Free with every Send it with Your Order New CORONA 1028 Chestnut Street Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases, Small Leather Goods, Hand Bags, Gloves Repairing Geo. B. Bains & Son, Inc. Philadelphia