Dearest Minnie, I was so very much disappointed by not seeing you before I left, but Julia has told how impossible it was. I had no doubt when I saw you that afternoon in town that I could manage it, but I ought to have known better then. We have settled down into the routine of our life here and in spite of the comforts and the air which last has already strengthened Papa, I am afraid I am going to find it very dreary. The place I am not going to tell you about - the little there is to tell - as I hope you will come and see it yourself. I intended to ask you before we left whether you could not run down and make me a little visit before long. Please take it into serious consideration. You could room with me, if you would not mind, and, as we have a sitting room, you could have my room entirely to yourself for some hours every day, while I was driving with Papa, reading to him, and so on. So far I only know three people in the house, Dr. Putnam Jacobi (whom you may remember I have met socially in New York!) and Bessy McCallGÇÖs friend, Miss Lea and her sister; and do not expect to know many more, so that you would not be distracted by people. You leave Balto. at 12:10 P.M. and reach here at 6:26 and I could give you all particulars about changes, etc. I had expected to write to you before this, but my time has been so broken up that it has been very hard to find even odd moments for necessary notes, far more for writing letters and this afternoon when I have some time, I find I am more tired than I had realized. Lou Knox is coming to spend I am afraid only a day with me, in an hour, and I am looking forward to seeing her again with a great deal of pleasure. I had a letter from Julia today in which she speaks of her visit to you and her great interest in your appointment and says some very nice things about it. I hope you like the Mona Lisa and approve of the way in which she is framed. I am so sorry she did not come sooner, but hope she proved a welcome guest. Do answer this dull letter soon. Lovingly yours Mary E.G. DonGÇÖt fail to tell me fully about Bessie, please.