Dearest Mary, Your unkindest cut of all in your letter arouses a reply even although I have the accounts of Merrion Hall, the plans of the new building, 12 business letters and the exordium of a new course of lectures all to crowd into the short hours of one Sunday afternoon. You ask GÇ£what has become of all the little schedules of all the teachers and the other papers which Miss Andrews says she sent you in connection with the schedule including our original one. WonGÇÖt you try to find them (the presumption that they are lost is amusing) and send them here. Miss A. was not very clear about the matter (she was certainly not clear) but said Miss Gwinn had either told her or written her that they were mislaid.GÇ¥ Miss Gwinn wrote nothing of the kind. I thought you understood that we took the papers with us to work over them - when they have been lying on the desk in my study subject to severe daily scrutiny it is the bitterest irony to receive a letter from you asking me GÇ£to try to find themGÇ¥ and innocently wondering GÇ£what has become of themGÇ¥. Now first of all we do not wish to part with GÇ£all the little schedules of all the teachersGÇ¥; they can write them out for you in ten minutes as they did for me. The only thing to which I plead guilty is JuliaGÇÖs little tacked-together tables of hours, which seemed so difficult to copy and which I kept in the believe [sic] that you would be in New York. We have found several mistakes in the large schedule and I have had to write again to Miss A for fresh GÇ£little schedules of all the teachersGÇ¥ with hours as well as classes. I remail to JuliaGÇÖs the tables of hours. Mamie will return the original schedule on Saturday that she did leave in Baltimore for safe keeping, as we did not need it for work. Miss Andrews in note dated December 3rd says that Bessie Carroll and H. Hopkins can only work together after Xmas. She wishes to know about elocution which we cannot tell her until we see exactly how things seem. Of course were elocution given up her nightmare of a schedule would be lightened. Your efforts in regard to Bessie Carroll were valiant. After Xmas will be soon enough and the united efforts of the Committee will I feel sure accomplish it. Take care of yourself, but what between house and moving and schedule I am not over sanguine. Lovingly yours Minnie C. Th