Dear my dear. My afternoon and no letter for you alas. I had time to get anxious before your telegram came at 10:30 A.M. and at 2 your special delivery letter. I am so sorry you were rushed and so sorry you were tired. And I have heard today that Dr. Hurst may come after all. We are to be cabled too so if only that can be sured biology is out of the way. Keasbey telegraphed his acceptance today. Miss Hamilton who did not get the European Fellowship tells me and I am so angry I can hardly write that her sister grad of Ann Arbor and post grad course there for one year now in New England Hospital has been refused admittance to the Johns Hopkins as a graduate bec women are not admitted except in the 2 years undergrad course. No more women are to be admitted as grad students next year. What do you think of that. I have written for the original letters. I wonder if I might not share your room unless Mary Bourde would be too hear us. Perhaps she would. Much love my love. Goodnight, my dear I am again at my accts with Mamie sitting opposite in my big chair. She says Mamie Howard thanks you very much for giving them the preference but says they do not want it. Mamie thinks they may go abroad. Goodnight and sleep well I mean to go to the Celebration not to the Reception which I shall not attend.