Dearest Mary, My messenger boy was waiting as yours came and now I will rewrite my letter and let your boy wait a little to see what Mr. Gilman says to Father and report it to you; while mine goes on other messages. A succession has been here (Dixon simply charmed to see father and now he is talking to Gilman[)]. I have not had a moment to hear really about my own meeting. Things seem to have been in somewhat of a snarl so much so that Father says it will take long to tell me about it, but at last after much difficulty the double hall (my plan and site) was referred to the Building Com. with power to try to get my estimate for it and report again for action to the Board. This is quite right enough for more I do not propose to spend. But this vote was accompanied with a resolution to build no more halls. A non-triumphant victory. I shall have to talk to you about it if ever we get the time - and if we do not get it during these holidays I shall give it up and not try to make you understand. Of course Father did not get my papers but he found poor little Miriam by accident in the station. The skating is so heavenly that I want to go with Harry to Lake Roland tomorrow at 1:30 and shall reach Colvert Station at 4:15 and so may be a few minutes late. Both Mamie and I think 5 or a little after soon enough to hear about the meeting so if you want to go to your Xmas tree, do so and let me know as I may then take a half hour later train. Unless I hear Mamie and I will come at 5 P.M. and I will stop for her on my way up the hill. Helen and Frank accepted your invitation by this A.M. mail. Both they and Harry had to wait till we could see about our Xmas dinner which will now be put on Sat evening. Here is Father. And oh dear Gilman wants the specification I told you we ought to have and Mamie does not want it and we shall have to meet again about it. Could you meet at MamieGÇÖs tomorrow at 11 and if so send her word and I will be there. Here is your letter. Bring it. Yes the subtraction is entirely right and pray what does CamillaGÇÖs letter matter as the JHU has account the money she paid in - foolish child. GilmanGÇÖs letter is good for him and awfully characteristic. Father says he is enthusiastic about the possibilities and wants it as high as heaven. Goodnight my dear with so many kisses and congratulation and regret that this night of triumph because it is but that is it not? Should be spent apart. It is like a dream to see and something one has longed for, for so long come to pass - something that has cost months of exhaustion and despair - it is like some other things that have taken substance lately too much a dream when really there. How I hope as I said that this may be one of many other things you can help on.