Dearest Minnie, I think you will be surprised to hear that I have found that it is possible to do what seems to be the pleasantest thing with this summer, and that Julia and I expect to sail on the 16th. It begins to seem appallingly near, but I suppose we shall succeed in getting off, and hence to be able to do our share of the searching this summer. Our plans are unsettled and our present intention is to drift, but our drifting will probably take us to London not very long after your arrival there. In the very tiny package I have asked or rather shall ask Mamie to take to you with this you will find two little things I got for you in Boston, thinking that they certainly belonged to your salt-cruets. Poor Mamie has been having more than her share of the disagreeableness connected with the school and will I fancy be very glad to get back to Bryn Mawr. Yours, Mary E.G.