Swarthmore Student Publications

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The Swarthmore College Student Publications collection features publications printed by students and student groups from 1887 until 2013. It primarily comprises literary journals, though it also includes academic journals, newsletters and bulletins, art and photography publications, satire and parodies, musical scores and ephemera. Titles range from perfect-bound volumes published continuously for decades to hand lettered ephemera that never persisted past the first issue. In addition to documenting events in the history of the college, the collection traces the diversity, aesthetic affinities and political engagements of Swarthmore's students since the college's founding.

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766 items [showing 41 - 60]


Punctum, Fall 2008, Issue 1
Grouse, October 22, 1959, volume 4 number 1
Bug Eyed Magazine, 2006
The Guacharo, December 1960, volume 2 number 1
Celebrasian, Spring 1998, Vol. 2
The Lit, November 1953, number 5
The Dodo, Winter 1948, volume 9 number 1
Spike, Fall 1998, volume 6 number 1
The Swarthmorean, June 1915, Vol. 1 No. 3
The Eunomian, 1883-1884
The Scuttlebutt, November 1944, volume 2 number 1
The Manuscript, 1936-1937
The Bullet, 1937, volume 1 number 2
The Bard, 1993, volume 3
The Dodo, Spring 1950, volume 10 number 2
Perspective, Spring 1996, volume 4 number 2
The Hall Bugle, January 1963
The Lit, May 1954, number 7
Class Paper of '79, 1875
Small Craft Warnings Spring 2011
