Friends Historical Library miscellaneous photographs collection

This collection contains miscellaneous photographs, engravings, illustrations, and other images, acquired over time from various sources by the Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College. Most depict Quaker schools or the the homes of Quaker families. There are also historically Quaker senior homes, conference and retreat centers, colleges and universities, and social service agencies (hospitals, orphanages, etc.). There are images of additional miscellaneous organizations and topics related to the Society of Friends, as well as some subjects and locales with no direct or obvious connection to Quakerism.

Browsing as Anonymous (not verified)
43 items [showing 1 - 20]


Graceanna Lewis portrait
Ann Hammond Baulknight and Darius Baulknight photographs
Lucretia Mott portrait
Schofield School photograph
Deborah Fisher Wharton Industrial Hall photograph
Martha Schofield photograph
Schofield School Conference photograph
Martha Schofield portrait
Gibbons family portrait
Abby Hopper Gibbons portrait
Abby Hopper Gibbons portrait
Passmore Williamson
Joseph Dugdale
J. Miller McKim
James Mott
Lucretia Mott
Old Charlotte
REBECCA, AUGUSTA and ROSA, Emancipated Slaves, from New Orleans.
WILSON CHINN, a Branded Slave from Louisiana
CHARLEY, A Slave Boy from New Orleans; or, FREEDOM'S BANNER.
