This collection consists of the letters of Katherine Wistar Mason Elkinton (1892-1961) and her husband Howard West Elkinton (1892-1955) as they engaged in relief work in Europe during and after World War I. During the war, the Elkintons worked for the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) in France as relief workers (1917-1919). Katherine taught and worked in the maternity ward of a hospital in Chalons while Howard was posted in Sermaize. Upon their return to the United States, the couple helped to found Chestnut Hill Monthly Meeting. In 1923, Katharine Elkinton established, along with business partner Sydney Cole, the Germantown Book Store in the front room of their home. In 1938, Katharine and Howard went to Germany; while Howard was director of the AFSC Berlin office, Katharine helped over 1,000 professional Jewish women emigrate to Australia.